Monday, August 29, 2022

Frustrated, P@#%ed off, Angry

 Yesterday I purchased a brand new Fitbit to enable me to get off my butt and to give me an incentive to start walking as of the first of September.   I need to see numbers so that I can increase my activity on a weekly basis. that's just how I am.

After dinner I started to charge it and get it started.   You must remember I am a woman of a certain age and some of this computer stuff is a bit beyond my knowledge of this new world of technology.   Decided to look at the on line manual.  Found it with no trouble and started to read......  down a couple of paragraphs..... "The Charge 5 will not sync with a computer after October 13, 2022, you will need a certain phone or a tablet".   what the .........    I bought a Charge 5.

I do not have the phone nor a tablet and do not want either, so not going out to buy one, the phone I have is for emergencies, I can live without looking at it constantly.  My trusty lap top does all I need it to do, (obviously not, until yesterday).

   Today I took the Fitbit back and was in not so many words, told I did not know what I was talking about, with regards to the not syncing time frame.  The customer rep called another person over who had never heard of what I just said.  So they called another person who said the same thing, so now I have three people suggesting I am mistaken lying.   A forth person came to customer  service, gets on his trusty phone and finds out I am right.  Who would have known an 81 year Granny knew more than 4 thirty something sales reps.!!!   I got my money back.   

I also learned something too,  the older generation, such as myself, are being left behind, no! shut out of things we would like to do, due to technology we never grew up with and now find everything too much to get our heads around.  I am sure some of you are saying "get with it Granny, learn to use these things".   I get along just fine without it, thanks.

I feel so much better after that rant, thanks to you all for listening.

So now what do I do, have a few days to think about that, and you will hear from me in due course.

Time to start thinking about dinner, have some left over potato salad, so will need to find something to go with that.  Dessert, I have just finished baking a peach crisp, so we will have that with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.



  1. Pat I had a similar problem with a Fitbit and had to return it. Good for you for sticking to your guns! I have a step tracker app on my mobile phone but it means remembering to keep it in my pocket when I exercise or go for a walk.

  2. Oh that makes me so angry. We get to a certain age and become invisible and stupid. Good on you for standing up to them.

  3. I'm a wee bit younger, but totally agree. There sure are a lot of times I'm thankful that I'm not in the groove though. I don't have a cell phone either!



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