Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Calm, cool and collected

Calm yes, after the episode with the Fitbit.

Cool yes,  we had rain and a thunderstorm last evening, no damage to us, however, there were trees down in the city.   If we had another storm overnight I did not hear it.   Looking at the rain gauge this morning, surprised to see we only had  1/2 inch of rain.

Collected yes, ready to start a new day, found a pedometer I bought several, no it must be a lot of years ago.  Just needs a new battery, so once I have that, will re-program it and use it during my walks.

Groceries this morning, prices up again, I wanted some romaine lettuce for a Caesar salad, however, at the price of $5.99 for three small romaine hearts, it stayed in the store and I got an iceberg one instead which will be used in a garden salad and on sandwiches.

Too wet to do anything outside, (I seem to have countless excuses not to do weeding),  tomorrow will be cooler and sunny, so will get at those pesky things then.   Today, I will complete the top of the quilt, another finish.  It will go with me to our guilds next meeting in September.

Dinner tonight, chicken from the grocery store,  cauliflower, baked potato, there is two more helpings of peach crisp for dessert.  

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I think the modern versions of things are too complicated and tell you things you don't need to know. A good old fashioned pedometer sounds the way to go.



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