Wednesday, August 31, 2022


The last day of August, so we can most likely say good bye to hot steamy weather, which is fine by me, the humidity and me are not good friends.  It's time to turn off the A/C and let in some fresh air.

Not much going on here today, I did find my pedometer, however, it requires a new battery, Hubby is picking one up for me while he is out and about.   Then I can set all of the info ready for Sept 1st.

My tomato plants are a big disappointment this year, we have lots of fruit but, they will not ripen.  They were planted earlier enough, watered and fertilized on a regular basis, they are able to get the benefit of the rain and the sunshine.   When one looks as if it is changing colour little critters help themselves.  Not even going to bother next year, will rely on family and the store to get our tomatoes.

Going to pop a cake in the oven this afternoon.

Dinner tonight, Hubby will be cooking burgers on the BBQ, (he will know soon enough) with a nice big hearty salad, dessert will be a piece of the lemon cake.



  1. This is the last year I will attempt tomatoes. I plan to grow them under some sort of cover to keep the bugs/animals off them. If it doesn't work then I will never try again. And yet some people can grow them like weeds.
    Burgers and lemon cake. Heaven!

  2. Burgers and a salad would go down well here too. It's a quick, simple meal but covers most of the food groups. And the lemon cake will have to be your fruit component.

  3. My garden was a big disappointment in general this year. Members of my garden club are expressing their dismay as well. We've had a picture perfect summer so what gives????



Today is the first day of Spring, but don't get your hopes up for Spring like weather just yet.  We are still in March, anything and  ev...