Monday, August 16, 2021

Phone and other Complaints

We have been without our land line telephone now for two days now, today is going to be the third day.  We are expecting a technician today sometime between 12:00 Noon and 5:00 p.m.   Being ancient neither Hubby and I have one of the cell phones that do almost anything but make dinner., so we seldom use them, mine is mostly for emergencies when I am driving by myself and situations that we find ourselves in at the present time.     

Today is a mix of sun and cloud and we could expect some rain at some point in time, then more unsettled weather for the balance of the week, which includes higher temps and more humidity.  Glad I got some gardening done during the weekend, however, there is still some more that  I would like to get done.  

Well,  our Prime Minister has called an election!!!  We go to the polls on Sept 20, 2021.   Why in the midst of a fourth wave of Covid I don't know,  as so many young people who are in the 20-30 plus age bracket have not had any jabs.   I can see a big increase of cases coming in the near future and we were doing so well with the numbers in the past few weeks.   Just hope all of the precautions that have been pounded into our brains will still be adhered to by the candidates while they are drumming up votes.   Or, soon there will not be anyone left to vote for them  in the future.

Last week Hubby received a notice calling him in for jury duty,  he does not mind doing his part, but just detests all of waiting and sitting around not being able to do anything while the lawyers are deciding who to choose for the case they are trying.  He is hoping, in one way that he does get chosen as he has never been on a jury before, but then is hope he does not get chosen.  Time will tell in September.

Hubby is cutting the grass again, it never stops growing due to all of the rain we have had, plus the hedge is looking a bit untidy as sprigs of growth are starting to grow again.   A neighbour of his daughter has a perennial  Hibiscus in their front garden.  The blooms are as big as a luncheon plate and a beautiful deep pink colour.  The small indented lines on the petals made it look as if it was made of silk, so much so I just had to go and touch them.   

Had to quit, back again.

Land line is fixed, a rusty connection, so an easy repair and it was done outside, so no worries regarding  close contact with tech.  He was a pleasant chap,  after the work was done he wanted to chat with Hubby and I, so we had a nice conversation with him.

Well, I did about 2 1/2 hours of gardening this afternoon, happy with what I was able to get done.  Hubby had to fix something on the garden tractor and finished cutting the grass.  The next door neighbours son, cut our hedge, so Hubby was pleased he did not need to do it.   Hubby has, in the past done some favors for them, so this was a pay back, which was very nice of him to do that.

Dinner, was pizza and a big salad.  We were given are basket of pears, so we each had one of those for dessert.   How to yu prepare pears for a dessert?   

It is beginning to look more and more like rain, so the forecast is right this time.  Hubby has just come back into the house it is spitting with rain, so no more outside jobs for today.


  1. I have only been called for criminal jury twice and got out of both because I had babies and then was studying at uni. I did get called up for a high court jury but that went south due to Covid. Hubby has never been called and would love the chance.
    Pears - yum. Poach in red wine?

    1. Thanks for the tips about the red wine, should I taste it first to see if it was still OK to use?
      I could just drink the wine and eat the pears plain. lol


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...