Friday, August 06, 2021

Babies are gone

The wrens in the bird house have been making a lot of chirping these past few days, so we knew the time was coming for them to soon leave us.   Yesterday morning we heard one making a lot more noise than usual, after looking on the ground, one had left the nest and fallen in a container and could not get out.  Rescued, he flew, well tried to fly into the garden.   We had never seen the wrens leave the nest in all the time we have had them in the yard, so we pulled up our chairs and our coffee and watched.  One, two, three, four, five little ones climbed out onto the perch, then the roof and took a leap of faith, flapping their wings as fast as they could to land on the ground all in one piece. Six babies in total.   Off they went looking for cover under the plants in the garden.  We heard them chirping for their parents for a short period of time, then silence, they were gone.   Coffee this morning was very quiet.  A sign of the Summer beginning to wind down, as the robins have flown the nest a while ago, and even the sparrows are quiet all of a sudden.   The circle of life.

The rest of the day was just the usual jobs, and I finished making the Boston Cream cupcakes for the pot luck supper I was going to in the evening.   

Our quilting guild was able to have the pot luck in one of the members back garden.  Delicious food and fellowship followed by a show and tell of what members have been doing over the last month or two.   We also handed in our place mats each member has been making.  Back in the Spring we decided each member would make 12 place mats for the Meals on Wheels clients.   

It was so nice to speak to people in person instead of through Zoom,  it was a good substitute when we could not meet.

Today, has been LAZY, we were up early to watch the Canadian vs Sweden soccer  match, a nail biter for sure, in the end we, I say we, the hard working women athletes got gold.    Whoop.   Then one thing led to another and, well we did not do much in the morning, and much the same this afternoon.  

The sky is getting cloudy and looks as if some rain might be on its way.   Our gardens and lawn could do with a good drink.   Speaking of the garden, some of the flowers are looking tired, another sign of a waning Summer.   

Dinner tonight palled pork on a bun, veg and salad.  Dessert some of the cupcakes I made yesterday.

Better get busy..................doing nothing.   


  1. Your days sound blissful. As you are emerging from lockdown and heading towards cooler weather, we are jumping in and out of lockdown and watching for signs of Spring.

  2. I loved reading about your fledglings... what a happy story! ~Andrea xoxoxo


The world of white

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