Sunday, August 08, 2021

A Foggy Day in London Town

Sing along................We did wake up to fog this morning, it has since lifted but it is grey and looks as if we could get some rain.

We were planning on going for an afternoon ride with dinner out, however, it is not much fun when you are riding in a convertible with the top down and always looking at the sky for those dark clouds to start leaking and we end up with rain.  However, after just looking at the weather network, it looks as if the day might become partly cloudy, so there is still a possibility we could go out.

We are harvesting a lot of cherry tomatoes, with have both red and a yellow variety.  The beefsteak ones have not started to ripen yet.   Just waiting for them to do so, a toasted bacon and tomato sandwich is what I shall be making for lunch when they are ready to pick.

We are up early, for a Sunday, to watch the closing ceremony of the Olympics, I thought it was  better than the opening.   Under the current world conditions, I think Tokyo did a great job in hosting the games.  They had a lot to contend with, and did it well.   No one in the seats watching was so sad, for the athletes and people who wanted to watch in person.  Also, unfortunate for the athletes as they were unable to do any sightseeing in Tokyo, or Japan.  We are now waiting to see some of the Paralympics later this month.  

Dinner tonight is .............well not sure, are we staying home or are we going out? 

1 comment:

  1. We use the hourly weather forecast a lot, at weather-dot-com, when deciding to ride the motorcycle or not. Shockingly enough, it's pretty accurate as to when/if it's going to actually rain or not. I hope you get to go for your ride & have dinner out. Sounds like a nice treat you folks definitely deserve. ~Andrea xoxoxo


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