Friday, August 20, 2021


The four painters arrived next door, setup all of their equipment and by 2:00 p.m. the house was painted.......Black.   Yes, all the bricks on the side of the house and the chimney were black.   When we first saw it I said to Hubby.   "What on earth are they thinking, maybe they are not."  There is also quite of lot of aluminium siding  on the house which is a rusty brown and the roof is also brown.  We are wondering now if they are going to change that.    We have looked at it now for 24 hours and have gotten used to it and I must say, it does not look too bad.  I can't think what the elderly woman who used to live there would think of her house if she saw it.

It is hot and humid again today, so  it will be another inside day for me and I will be cleaning out my sewing studio.  The floor needed to be vacuumed  rid it of the bits of thread and fabric.   I also found a container of small pieces of fabric that need to be cut down into squares to add to scrap quilts.   Yesterday I cleaned the rec room, you could almost call it a Summer clean.   Being in the basement of our house we tend to get our fair share of spiders and you know what they make all over the place.  I swear one spot is cleaned and in no time the webs are back up again.   I also opened the window, (we have screens on all of the windows in the house to keep the bugs out),  to bring in some fresh air.   Looking and smelling a lot better now, not that it stunk, it just need some air circulation that the A/C cannot do very well down there.

Hubby is outside trimming around posts and shrubs before it gets too hot.  He was at his daughter's yesterday trimming a tree in her back garden. 

Dinner tonight salmon , veg and salad. jelly and fruit for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. I have so much fabric from my days as a sewer. I wish I could send them to you!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...