Monday, August 23, 2021

Neat and tidy.....until

 To is very hot and humid again and quite uncomfortable to be doing anything physical outside.  However, I must add the breeze does make it feel cooler in the shade of the trees.

The humming birds are so busy at the feeder today, don't know why, unless they are juveniles packing on some weight for they will soon be flying south.   OR  maybe the flowers that they have been visiting are no longer in bloom, I guess we will never know, anyway it is so nice to sit and watch them as we eat our lunch.

This morning I made a meatloaf and a peach pie for our dinner tonight, both went down very well,  The recipe for the pie called for quite a lot of  cinnamon in my opinion, but I added did anyway.   I should have followed my instincts as it definitely too much, it was good anyway.

This afternoon I finished the tidying in my sewing studio and it now looks great, until I start pulling out fabric for the next quilt.

 As I said previously, we had meatloaf, peas, corn, tomato and cole slaw with the pie for dessert.

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