Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Humidity lower today....

 Around dinner time last night we had a thunderstorm, well, not so much as a thunderstorm, but as a wind storm.  The sky was really black then the wind started to blow and took branches of the tree across the street from us.  Then we had rain coming down so fast it was like a pea soup fog and a couple claps of thunder.  Everything was over in about 3/4 hour.   The temp went from 31*C down to 20*C in minutes, I was surprised we did not have some hail, but no!!

Earlier today we had several brief showers, however, the humidity has dropped and a nice cool breeze is blowing and once in awhile we have sunny breaks, a nice day.

Hubby picked up all of the downed limbs and the grass is now dry enough to cut, so that is what he is currently doing.

The burlap we put around the tree is collecting a lot of caterpillars so pleased that is working.  They are so big and cling to everything, so glad I have a decent pair of gardening gloves to handle them, don't want their toxins to get on my skin.  

I am in the midst of some housework and then must think about what we are having for dinner.   There are some meatballs and some sauce in the freezer that needs to be used up, so that is what I am thinking to have for dinner tonight.

My hairdresser, was wearing a skort on Monday, it looked so nice and cool and she told me where she bought it.   I needed something like that, that was not expensive for wearing around the house, the shorts currently in use are well past their best before date.  Off to the store for more retail therapy and I bought three pair.  They are made from a knitted fabric much like T-shirts, so easy to care for.  Wearing one today, and it is so comfortable.  They just cover that "old lady bump" just above the knee.  

Have a great day.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Back now, and lots to tell

 No internet for a couple of days, service being done.  The company we are with, sent an e-mail advising  service would be interrupted,  what were they thinking, I could not get online to read it!!. So ended up calling and waiting, the representative did not even know there was an interruption of service, so was going to send a repair person out today.   Late yesterday we had an e-mail advising service was now on.  So had to go through a lot of issues to get the appointment for repair cancelled.  It appears, the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing with this company. 

Sunday, I was feeling down again no reason, just was.   I think it is because the days are all the same, same thing day after day, no going out for dinner, or a movie, or anything really.   So hoping things will change soon.   Feeling better yesterday, I was able to go to my hairdressers home, where she is running her studio at the moment,  and had my hair cut.  It is amazing how  much better I feel when I think I look better.  She always does a good job in trying to make me look my best.  

South Western Ontario, is experiencing a infestation of Gypsy Moth  caterpillar's.   They climb up trees and eat the leaves, some trees have no leaves left on them.   Apparently, it is too late for the city to spray to get rid of them, so we have been advised  to wrap the trunks with burlap which trap the caterpillars.   I am writing this because  I saw there were little black "things" on the driveway for the last couple of days, but did not know what they were.  And, as I was at the kitchen window yesterday, I saw a lot of birds in the tree around a vacated squirrel nest.  Going out to look as to what they might be doing, I saw caterpillars going up the trunk.  Yes, you guessed it we have the Gypsy Moth ones.  And, the black "things"   caterpillar poop.  We got rid of as many as we could see, picking them up with a pair of fabric gardening gloves.  I did read they were toxic but thought that was only for birds, however, as I picked them up, I could feel little pin pricks on my fingers, through the fabric gloves, so immediately put on some leather gardening gloves.  I had no adverse effects, thank goodness.  We did the wrapping as instructed, however, it is too late to stop the ones in the tree, we just hope they do not destroy all the leaves, only time will tell.   Upon checking the burlap this morning we did trap a few, so it does work.  Never a dull moment around here.

Two wild turkeys visit our bird feeder on a regular basis, picking up fallen seeds.  Have keep feeding them Thanksgiving will be here before you know it.....No....just kidding.

Our robins babies are getting so big they are having trouble fitting into the nest, soon they will be off on their own.

Late last evening we had a brief mild thunderstorm, with a little more rain.   That rain, however, will be making today feel very humid, it is so thick you can cut it with a knife.   The temp today, is suppose to feel like 41*C with the temp and humidity factored in.  A heat warning has been issued for the area.  An inside day I think for me.   Hubby has finally decided it is too hot to do anything outside too.  

Groceries early again this morning,  it appears the store might be rearranging things as they have lots of product on skids.   Hope not, as it is so difficult to find things you want if they change everything around.

Because it is Tuesday, it is chicken dinner tonight, chicken flavoured wild and regular rice, and just a salad for dinner,  I made jelly with fruit in it yesterday and they is still some left so  dessert is taken care of.  I like dinners where no cooking is involved.

Stay cool if you are in an area where it is hot, if it is cold where you are stay warm.   Stay safe we will be out of this pandemic soon if everyone gets their vaccination. 

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Dull & Dreary

 The forecast rain started around noon yesterday and we had some heavy showers for the balance of the day.  Looking at the rain gauge this morning, since noon yesterday and 8:00a.m. this morning we have had 2 1/2 inches of rain.  There is more on the way up until Wednesday next week.   At least it is not cold, very humid in fact, a good thing the sun isn't shining or it would be unbearably humid.  Which I am not a fan of.

Laundry currently being done, did most of the housework yesterday, so not much else that really needs doing today,  there is always something that can be done, but may just slip into the sewing studio and do some work in there for a couple of hours.   

Hubby has gone over to his daughters house, one of her neighbours is going to be removing some old cement which was the floor of a garage that had been removed many years ago.  Hope he accomplishes something today.

My youngest daughter and her husband came back yesterday, from a week at a cottage on Lake Huron, they had a good time, a nice break for both of them.  She is a PSW and works in a busy hospital and he is a supervisor at a lumber depot, which supplies a lot of  wood which is required by contractors.  With the local housing boom going on right now he is run off his feet every day.   Their youngest daughter and a girl friend joined them for a couple of days too,  

Dinner tonight, ham, scalloped potatoes, veg, a small salad and lemon cake for dessert.

Have a wonderful day.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Getting outside work done

 Hubby is busy getting the outside garden and lawn work done this morning, as the forecast for the next four days is rain and more rain.  Much needed, I might add, however, it appears from the forecast we may be getting more than we really need.  Oh well! nothing we can do about, nature has it own way of doing things.

Our babies are growing so fast, soon all of them will find it difficult to fit into the nest.  The little bits of fuzz on their bodies is now changing and beginning to look more like feathers.  Such a joy to watch them grown more every day, but soon they will be gone.

Because it was a perfect convertible day yesterday, so we decided to visit my sister.  It is an hour plus drive to her house, so we left mid morning and stopped, got a picnic lunch and parked the car under a nice shady tree which felt cool and inviting.  We took our time travelling some country roads and reached her house early afternoon.  We chatted for a couple of hours and she gave me a plant that my Mother use to have in her garden years ago, so that was nice to receive.   A cup of tea and something sweet while we laughed and just had a good visit.  It was the first time we have seen each other since before Christmas.  

We left around 5:00 p.m. as I had a quilting Zoom meeting as 7:00p.m.  Home in plenty of time for a quick meal and Hubby did the dishes.  He always helps with them.   I had a good meeting with all the members, this was our last meeting until September, and we are hoping by that time we will be able to start our in person meetings.  We are all keeping our fingers crossed.

Dinner tonight, salmon, it's Friday.  we still have some strawberries so they will be dessert.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Appreciating the sun

 If we need to anything outside it better get done today, tomorrow and maybe the morning of Friday, as we are going to be receiving four or five days of rain.  No that it has started to rain it appears it is not going to stop due to the unsettled weather fronts that are headed our way.   It was down right cool  cold this morning when we got up, temp only 11*C. it is going to warm up to 23*C, with the bright sunshine, it may feel warmer than that.

Yesterday I went for some more retail therapy, needed to get some ink for our printer, and there just happened to be a Hudson's Bay department store in a Mall across the street..  Here, at the present time, if a store in a Mall has an entrance that leads to the outside, they can be open, albeit, with limited persons inside.  There is someone at the only door open counting the "incomings and outgoings".   The store was calling my name, so I HAD to answer, I needed a new house coat, the one I have was starting to show its age.  OLD.   I found a nice blue one, light fabric, just right for Summer, so I purchased it and don't even have to shorten it, as I have to do for most of the things I buy.  Even Petit is too long.  Great things come in small packages, so "they" say.  I know, so does dynamite.   Hubby was also in need of a new hoody, he prefers  ones with zippers down the front, however, they are difficult to find without all of the garish logo's etc on them.  I did finally find one with jut a small postage size logo on the front, so that came home with me too.  He was pleased I was able to find one, as the current hoody is way past it "best before date".

Our little robins and growing and are a delight to watch, we now have another nest being built on the front light between our two garage doors.

This is a photo I took today, of the three babies we are watching from our balcony.

Dinner tonight, peameal bacon on a bun, asparagus, mushrooms  and strawberry shortcake for dessert.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

This is Summer

You would never know this is the second day of Summer,  it is cloudy, cold and windy.   When we got up it was 10*C and is only forecast to go up to 18*C this afternoon, if the sun shines.  

Early risers today as it is grocery day, I will glad when we can safely go into the grocery store later in the day.   The store must have had a through cleaning last night, all the dry vegetable bins, ie: potatoes and squash etc. were strewn all of the veg department.  The floors had been washed and polished, a good deep clean fore sure.  Because of this, a lot of the veg. and fruit had not been put out, however, we did get everything we needed.  Every Spring they erect a  temporary garden centre in the parking lot, this morning it was empty so it will be coming down soon.

Shed for Hubbys daughter......he loaded everything in his vehicle and took off yesterday afternoon, a couple of hours later he arrived back home with everything he took with him.   Daughter cannot decide where she wants the shed to go........ I could say more but........................................

My youngest daughter and her husband have rented a cottage for a few days for a vacation, eldest daughter has done the same thing and she goes next week.   I have never rented a cottage for a vacation and honestly have no desire to do so.  It's almost like being at home, household duties are still there, and some meals need to be cooked.  My vacations consist of being waited on hand and foot, spoiled am I not?  We briefly spoke about going on day trips later in the Fall, when, we hope things will be opened up a bit more.   Also, hoping our health stays good, so that next year, fingers crossed, the world will be in a more normal state.  

Dinner last night was steak on the BBQ, stuffed mushrooms and the last of the broccoli salad.  Being Tuesday, chicken night.

Should get myself moving, have a great day.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Robn Babies

We had a thunderstorm and rain overnight and the clouds are still scudding across the sky, and once in awhile letting the sun shine through.   It is windy but certainly not cold today,  the first day of Summer.

The baby robins have now hatched and we were able to lower some of the side awning so that we can see Mum and Dad come and feed those wide open mouths.   We noticed when the adults were feeding the young they would be moving their throat's  so.... Google to the rescue.  Did you know robins regurgitate food for their young for the first four or five days after they have hatched.  I have tried to get photos, so hope to share some in the coming days.  We watch them while we have our lunch, interesting to see things we did not know.  Always something to learn, no matter how simple it is.

We did not have out steak dinner last night, we became couch potatoes and watched golf, because  it was being played on a course in California, it did not end until after eight o'clock, too late for me to start dinner.  So we ended up having drive through from a fast food restaurant.    I don't cook with fats or oils, no fried foods for us, so both of us are suffering  today.  Not heartburn or indigestion but ...... I think you get the picture.  

So the steak, mushroom and broccoli salad is for dinner tonight.

If you only visit once in awhile, have a great week.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Nature's Fireworks

The skies cleared yesterday shortly after noon, and it became humid, not too hot though was there were still a few clouds keeping the sun at bay.  We have a couple of nice days forecast and then a couple more days of rain, then sun again.   Can you see that grass growing already?

Hubby is going to make a shed for his daughter,  so last night we were laying out the base wood just to see how this is going together,  It took these two old birds awhile to get it all sorted, especially as neither of us know very little about woodworking and making structures.   In the end I am sure it all will come together.

After dinner last night we sat on the balcony for an hour or so and watch nature's fireworks, there were lots of fireflies in the shrubs and flowers.   When my children were young and we were camping we would catch some of them in jars so they could look at them up close and then let then all go free.

Laundry and all the normal chores for Saturday, not much else going on today.

Not sure what we are having for dinner, maybe something on the BBQ.

Have a great day.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Much needed showers

The  forecast was correct this time, we have showers this morning.   The crops, lawns and gardens are, I am sure, soaking up the much needed moisture today.   Not so happy, are the people who need to be outside, on a day like today, however, most I am sure are prepared for any type of weather.  

My tomatoes will love this  rain,  it is so much better for the plants, no chemicals, that I know off are in it, not like our tap water.  Sun and some warmer temps are predicted for tomorrow and Sunday, so everything will have a new lease of life.  Then more rain on Monday and Tuesday, I see some serious lawn mowing and weed pulling in the future.

So it is an inside day today, my sewing room needs some tidying, so that is on my list of things to do today, along with all the regular jobs, you know, cleaning bathroom, food prep and dishes.   Going to make a broccoli salad for dinner tonight instead of the usual lettuce salad.  

We were going to visit my sister yesterday, however, she had an appointment, so will go to see her one day next week, when the weather is nice, so we can go in the convertible.  I have not seen her since Christmas. When we were young we would fight like cats and dogs,  however, now I would say we were quite close, as we only have each other so to speak.  No cousins, aunts, uncles or older relatives of any kind, just our own families.  We both have lost our husbands due to illness, she has been alone for three years,  my husband has been gone for 11 years, but I now have a Hubby, happy I found him.  

Dinner tonight, a change from fish, however, not sure what yet, so far just got the salad in mind.   I am sure to find something.

Have a great day no matter what you plan on doing.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Not much happening

We have another beautiful sunny day, but it is cool this morning, going to warm up though.   Rain showers are forecast overnight and tomorrow, so any outside jobs that need to be done should be on the agenda for today.  We were going to visit my sister, have not seen her since Christmas, however, she has a dentist appointment today, so will need to arrange another day for a visit.

Hubby is at a loss as to what to get up to today, the two convertibles he has and his SUV all need a wash, so that could be on the list.  I know, we have  more than enough cars, four in fact between the two of us.

One of our CO detectors had a malfunction last night, by the way, we checked everything just to make sure there was nothing which would cause it to beep.  So need to get another, the others we have are all OK.  It was in need of replacing, so really a good thing it started to beep and show an "error".

I did some weeding in my garden late yesterday afternoon,  it is a lot better now, for the time being anyway, the weeds seem to grow no matter what the weather.  The bugs are not bothering me as much as they were, it must be due to the dry conditions and the wind that has been a constant during the last couple of day.

As I said not much happening today, but I had better get myself moving, or it will not happen.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Retail therapy

 I went shopping......only to a strip mall, but it was better than nothing, was not looking for anything in particular just wanted to get out of the house and do something.   I did find something we have been looking for for a long time,   it's not an exciting purchase and only cost $4.00 each at a Dollar store.   Can you guess what was so will never guess, one,    two,     three guesses you were wrong.    We use the large brown paper garden bags that are recyclable, they are very difficult to put anything in if you do not have something to hold them open, we did have one last year but it got thrown away with a bag.  So, yesterday I bought two plastic bag openers. How exciting is that!!!!  They are orange, a good colour to see with all the green waste at this time of the year, but wonder how it will show up when the leaves in the Fall need to be picked up.    Stood in line outside the store as they are limited to the number of people inside, but it was a short wait.  

 We have a lovely sunny day, cool but nice just the same.  No humidity which makes it nice to be outside.

Dinner tonight is left over roast beef, will cook some new veg and we have some salad that needs to be used up.  Dessert, not sure yet.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Get up and go has gone

 Just as my title is noting today, I am feeling blah, no reason really, just one of those days, which I seem to be having recently.  Just so tired of not being able to do anything or go anywhere, not that there is any place in particular.  Patios' are open, but I am not a patio person, a few stores are open, but not the ones I want to go to.  I need to buy some birthday gifts for the grands, do not do any of that online, so I Just have to be patient I guess.  

Today is cooler and sunny, nice for a change to not have all the heavy humidity.  This is the forecast for the week, so it should be good until Friday when some showers are due to arrive.

Hubby has gone to do some gardening chores that are too heavy for his daughter to do.  Earlier this year she and Hubby made raised veg beds in her garden, so she is busy growing her own vegetables, doing a good job so far.  She was made redundant in the Spring, from her job due to Covid, and has been on unemployment benefit since then, but soon that will all end, so she will be looking for a new job.   She is at an age where  employers are not willing to take on, she has no skills that would get her into a good paying job. She knows the basic office procedures and has worked in an insurance and investing company before but, has not updated her knowledge for a long time, so things do not look positive for her at this time.   This is also going to be a problem for a lot of people because the government has been handing out money  to people in the same position, the amount is more than some people would make, so why would they get a job.  But, as I mentioned, all this will end soon. 

I cooked a roast of beef yesterday, with potato and cauliflower and my delicious gravy. (I do make good tasting gravy).   Vanilla pudding for dessert.  Roast beef sandwich for lunch today

Tuesday shopping day, so that means chicken for dinner tonight, whoop whop no cooking today. Might just take out a couple of pieces of the lemon cake I made last week for dessert.  Dinner sorted.

Have a great day.😐

Monday, June 14, 2021


 We had a lazy weekend, well lazy for us.   Just basic jobs were done as always.  

Yesterday was cooler and very windy, the lack of humidity made it feel even colder than the temp indicated.

This morning we had a shower, but now at 11:30 a.m. the driveway and road show no signs of any precipitation.  Doubt if there was even enough to do the plants any good.   The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day.

We have a bird house in the back garden, and there is a family of wrens being raised in it currently.  We watch as Mum and Dad fly back and forth with food for those hungry little mouths.   Every time food goes in in the mouth of the parents,  "poop" comes the same way.  Interesting to watch the comings and goings, and we are hoping when the young ones leave the nest we are watching them.   Obviously, you can see it does not take too much to entertain us around here.

I went to Walmart, the highlight of my day Saturday evening, do you know what I bought......Vitamins, how exciting is that!  not very in my opinion.  I would love to wander through a mall, not necessarily to buy anything, just to window shop.  But, not yet.  

 Do not know what we are having for dinner, not really in the mood to think about it right now. I am sure to come up with something, I always do.

Saturday, June 12, 2021


Yesterday morning was a slow one for us, not really getting anything done, and I mean nothing.   Hubby watched tennis most of the day.   He did not mention anything about being tuckered out from the previous days work, but.......he would not have sat watching TV for that long if he wasn't.  He deserved it, he works hard, when he does chores around the house and yard.  

While he did his thing, I was on the computer  checking e-mails etc. you know how time flies when you start looking at things.  Then a bit of hand sewing and lunch.  In the afternoon I decided to wash my car, it looks so much better now.  But, I was beginning to wonder later on in the day.   It never fails..... when I do wash my car it rains, the sky darkened up and I do believe I heard some thunder in the distance, so expected some rain.  However, it skirted us again, not even a drop.  My youngest daughter who lives in a nearby smaller city got a shower.

We have a mostly cloudy sky this morning not as humid and cooler, which is nice for a change.  Makes me feel like doing a bit more.  The front flower bed needs to be weeded this afternoon, currently the washing machine is swishing the "whites" around, a load of "colours" need to be done also.   I want to get the table mats that I am working on finished.  Then it is a good tidy up in the sewing room, it is a mess.

I need to contact two of my grand daughters to see what clothes  the birthday  grands need.  I have missed four birthdays during this latest lock down, and now that some stores are open I can go in and by some things.  I mentioned my daughter ordered something for us on Amazon, that was a week ago last Thursday, we are still waiting, I thought they were faster that this.  But, I have to realize a lot of people are buying things on line these days.  

Need to decide what we are going to have for dinner,  it seems that I prepare the same things all the time and need some a new things on the menu.  Do you have something different I could prepare.  Usually we have a meat, veg and a salad and always something for dessert.  I am thinking  BBQ ribs for dinner, veg and a salad.  Not sure what I will have for dessert.

What ever is on the menu we will not go hungry.

Have a wonderful Saturday, no matter what is on your agenda for today. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

Easy does it today.

We have five large cedar  trees, four of which line our driveway and the other is in the middle of one of the front lawns.  Every year Hubby trims them so they keep a large cone shape.  He decided to finish that job yesterday and also do the two cedar hedges.  An almost 80 year old man should not be climbing the ladder to do this job, but he does.  He has tender feet, so the rungs on the ladder hurt them, so some suffering last night.  He should buy some shoes with a steel shank but again he should not be on the ladder anyway.  All done and we picked up the trimmings and took them to the recycle depot.  Looking good now  and he is taking it easy today, Hubby is currently watching tennis on the TV..

I need to wash my car, so later this afternoon that job is on the agenda.  Not much else being done today as it is suppose to be hot feeling like the mid 30's*C.  There is a forecast of a thunderstorm, we shall see.

We went for a drive last night after dinner, it was a nice evening to go out for just an hour in the convertible.  Every time we go for a drive we head in a different direction last night it was West.  Next time, it is South as we have already done North.

Sometime this afternoon I am going to do some sewing down on bindings on a couple of place mats, and then should get some tidying done in the sewing room, at present it looks as if a hurricane has gone through it.  Organized confusion. 

A boring day today, I would love to go into a store and get a couple of things I need, not fond of on line shopping, but I can imagine there are a lot of people doing in person shopping, as this is the first day of Step one where some stores can open if they have a street front door.  No malls are open yet.     Hubby was in desperate need of underwear, so we have an order placed through Amazon, which my daughter did for us a week ago, we are still waiting and this is now Friday, a week later.  

As it is Friday, salmon for dinner, veg and salad.  Dessert, not sure yet.   One of our local growers of strawberries advertised they are almost ready, so soon you will see dessert....local strawberry shortcake.  Yum, 

Have a good day, 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Clear Air

The forecast of rain was right this time, however, where I live we only received 2 mm of rain yesterday.  Other parts of the city were flooded with torrential downpours.  These areas had high winds,  thunder and lightening and lots of rain.   The air is clear of the humidity this morning and we have a cooling breeze and bright sunshine.  It is still suppose to be hot this afternoon, up to the low 30's *C, instead of close to 40*C.

Hubby started to trim our cedar trees in the front garden yesterday, crazy man,  I kept on taking out glasses of cold water for him to stay hydrated.   After lunch he realized it was just too  hot to continue, so he had a good long nap.  He was out finishing the rest of the trees and the hedge early this morning.  These trees look very nice when they are all trimmed but it takes a lot of work to keep them that way.

I have mentioned previously the bugs here love me, so to avoid a lot of the bites I  dress accordingly when I water my plants.   I look like ....well it is hard to describe so you will have to visualize..   Track pants, a hoody sweat jacket, and my green netted hat covering my head and face and gardening gloves.  Not an inch of skin showing.  I go out like this in the evening when there are few people around to see me,   Don't want to scare them LOL.

Tomorrow we will be going into Step 1 of reopening due to the increased vaccinations taking place and the number of Covid cases coming down.  If, in 21 days things are still improving, Step 2 which will allow us to do more things.  Keeping fingers crossed.

Dinner last night was noting like I had planned.  It was going to be steak with all the usual trimmings, but we ended up having a pizza and a big salad.  I retrieved the last two pieces of lemon cake from the freezer for dessert.

Tonight is the steak, not sure what is for dessert.  But, I do plan on making another cake for the freezer, it comes in handy when we need something quick for dessert or company.

That is all from me today.  

No matter what you are doing today, I hope you have a great day 


Wednesday, June 09, 2021


 The rain...all 50 drops of it fell early yesterday afternoon.   No I did not count them but so little rain fell it just made everything wet and within a short period of time everything was dry again.

In the newspaper section with the weather, the yearly average rainfall is quoted ......Average year to date 15.8inches.  Actual year to date 9.6inches in our area.   So understandable why everything is so dry.  We heard thunder rumbling in the distance several times yesterday, but all the storms went around us.   It is hot again today, with the humidity it will be feeling like 38*C this afternoon.  The forecast for tomorrow.....risk of thunderstorms.....40%, doesn't look as if that is very good odds for rain.

Last night outside of the Mosque there was a vigil for the family that was killed.  The covid restrictions were lifted, so the number of people could gather, masks still needed to be worn.  We needed to travel down an extension of the street where the accident happened, we could not believe the number of people on the side of the  street and they were about 7 km's away from the mosque.   The outpouring of support is just unbelievable.  The Prime minster and leaders of the other parties came and gave their support.  I hope the young man gets what he deserves.  

Today, is going to be an inside day for me, I have found as I get older I cannot tolerate the humidity like I did.  Lots to do, so I won't be sitting idle.

Dinner tonight not sure yet, something light seems to be the order of the day.  

Not much else happening on the estate today.

Tuesday, June 08, 2021 do you describe it?

What is the description of rain?   A downpour, a shower or just a few drops enough to keep the dust down.

We had the latter,  not even enough in the rain gauge to measure.  The forecast that was issued yesterday, said possible thunder storms, we are still waiting.  But wait... the forecast is the same for every day in this week, so we could have some more rain, maybe.   So, the first job to be done when this is finished,  water the tomatoes and my hanging baskets.

  Up early, it must be Tuesday grocery day.  Only one other person shopping in the store today.  We were in an out in record time.

There was a terrible accident in our city on Sunday, a family of five was taking an evening walk and were mowed down by a pickup truck.   A grandmother, a father, a mother and a 15 year old daughter were killed, a nine year old son is in serious condition in hospital.  The driver of the truck did it on purpose, a hate crime on a Muslim family.  It is now being treated as a terrorist attack.  So sad.

I got all of the things done on my list of "to do's" yesterday.  Nothing is on a list of things that need to be done today, but I am sure I will find something, there is always things to do.  

We were suppose to be in lock down mode until June 14th, however, the number of Covid cases keeps on going down province wide, due to the lock down and increased vaccinations, so as of Friday, June 11th, we lock down has been cancelled and patio's can open, groups of 10 people can now gather outside, plus other places and things are opening with the usual precautions.  
So it seems we are making some progress, little steps.

Dinner tonight chicken plus the usual veg and salad.  Dessert will need to think about that.

Monday, June 07, 2021

Hot again

Monday morning and it is hot again today, but there is a possibility of a storm later today and more rain tomorrow.  We have heard this forecast so many times and it has never happened, so not holding our breath for rain any  time soon.  The hose pipe water will have to do  for the time being.

We had a lazy day yesterday, just the basic chores were done, and Hubby did not do any work.  It is nice to see him finally relaxing for at least one day a week.  It has taken him a long time to do it though, since he retired in March of last year.

I hope it cools down later this week,  I would even be happy if the humidity went away, so that I can get into the flower beds and do some weeding, they seem to grown no matter what the weather.  

Today is Hubby's youngest grand daughter's birthday, she will be 13 years old.  She is on the autism spectrum, and has difficulty socializing and learning any of her school work.  The schools being closed has not helped with her learning process either.  We will likely go over this evening and give her her gift, masked and social distanced, of course.  

Need to give the bathrooms a clean today,  I should give the large bathroom a Spring clean, get into the cupboards and drawers and get rid of outdated stuff, and restock the TP from our store room.  Yes, that is what I will do.

First, I will call my sister as I do every Monday,  then by the time that conversation is over it will be lunch time, so bathrooms are the first chore after lunch.

As you can see no exciting things are happening in my neck of the woods today.

Hubby cooked a steak last night for dinner, there is still enough left, it was a big one, so we will finish it off today with some veg and a salad.  Just ice cream for dessert tonight.

Sunday, June 06, 2021


And, it is a hot Sunday, a heat warning has been issued for our area, this is done when the temp goes above 30*C  during the day and when the humidity is factored in it feels a lot hotter.  The aquatic center has been opened up for people to go in and get into some cool air for a period of time, with the masking and social distancing etc. etc.  It is mostly for the street people, we have a large number of those in this city.

Hopefully,  on June 14th, things will open up as the lock down orders will be lifted and we will be able to do a bit more than we have been able to do during the past month or so.  The number of new cases of COVID are coming down, so if the new variant does not rear it's nasty head too much we may well be one our way to a more normal routine in the coming, (I am hoping weeks, but it will likely be months).  More vaccine in coming into the country finally, and more people can get their shots, so all in all thing are looking a bit more positive.

 It is going to be a bit of a lazy day today, I still have that letter to write and there is always some sewing on my quilt projects, so it really won't be a lazy day in the sense of the word, just a day when no work as such will be done.  

Laundry done yesterday and I washed our bed pillows and let them dry out in the sun, they did smell so fresh and clean when I laid my head down last night.

All of my bites are getting better, thank goodness.

Dinner tonight, Hubby is cooking us a steak and a salad will be it for tonight,  There is one piece of cherry pie left, so we will cut that in half and put a dollop of vanilla ice cream on top.

This the the clematis which has a lot of blooms on it this year, in past years there has been only two of three, there are a lot more buds forming, so will have more flowers in the days ahead.

Saturday, June 05, 2021

In the good 'ole Summertime

 That is what it feels like outside today, beautiful sunshine and on the downside the humidity.  A/C is now on as the forecast is indicating hot and humid conditions for the next few days.  The city in which t

Hubby is currently cutting the grass while it is reasonably cool.  HIs tractor/lawn mower would not start yesterday, the battery is finished, we had to use the booster kit to get it going and he will be out there now until all the grass is cut, if he turn it off, we will have to go through the process of everything again to get it going.   He is going to order a new battery today.

My grand daughter loved her quilt when we took it to her a couple of evenings ago.   The family usually gets together for birthday dinners but not this year C, her Mother and Father are having takeout sushi tonight for their dinner.

After taking the antihistamine for a couple of days my bites have improved, I still have the red spots with blisters in the centers but they do not itch any more.   However,  last evening I found an ant in the house, I don't like any bugs in the house, so I stepped on it, picked it up in my hand to dispose of it and it bit me!!  It left a cut on my finger and it bled so much I needed to cover it with a small dressing.  No swelling, itch or any other affects, so that was a blessing.   I have never heard of  an ant doing that, sting maybe, but that bite.

Recently I have taken some photos of the flowers in my garden, if time permits I will post some today, if not, it will be tomorrow.

Laundry is currently being done, some housework also needs attention and also it is fertilizer day for the plants.  Better get busy, these jobs won't take care of themselves.

Stay cool if it is hat where you are, stay warm if it is cool,  have a great weekend and stay well.

Friday, June 04, 2021

Missed a couple of days

 I can't believe two days have come and gone and no posts done.   It's been a busy two days, doing this and that, things that seem to take up a lot of time and really not much to show for it.

Weather----we have had just a little more that a half inch of rain during the past couple of days, and in fact, it looks very dark out there as I write, so more could be coming.  There is a forecast of showers this  afternoon.  The weekend is suppose to be hot and humid.   Not a fan of humidity any more.

The letter to my girl friend is still sitting there for a reply, however, most of the other chores that were listed in a previous post have been taken care of.  I walked every day, so far, in June, but its only the 4th.  LOL

I have been assisting Hubby with some financial matters on the computer it's  like the blind leading the blind with us two, as neither one of us know a great deal about the ins and outs of the computers, however, I do know a little more than him as I have used one when I was working and have had my own for a number of years. Finally, we were able to do what we needed to take care of.  

Tomorrow is my youngest grand daughters 19th birthday, however, she and  Mum and Dad are all working, so we took her gift, the quilt, to her last night.  She really liked it, so glad she did.

I did some more sewing yesterday afternoon, making four blocks  doing for our guild's kids quilts.  Two are for a member who is moving to a new condo and all of the fabric etc is packed up, so her blocks could not be made for the month of June.   She appreciated me doing that for her, and she offered to do the same for me if the occasion arose.  Our group as a challenge, so will be working on that now, and then I can go back to the quilt I am making for our bed.  

The bug bites I have, are now responding to the antihistamine I am taking, so pleased about that,  they have came up in big welts with a small blister in the centre and itch so much  one night I had to get up and put on a spay antihistamine I use.  Have no idea who the culprits are,  as I have never had bug bits like this before.

 As it is Friday, we are having fish for dinner, the usual, veg and a salad, something light for dessert.

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

June 1st.

The month has started off with some lovely weather, finally the breeze today is warm, in stark contrast to what  web have experienced  in the past few days.  Could  the weather be changing with a new month, certainly hope so.


Who comes with Summer to this earth,

And owes to June her day of birth,

With ring of agate on her hand,

Can health, wealth, and long life command.

We are expecting the plumber back here sometime today, to finish the repairs we need to be done.

Groceries early again today. not busy at all.

I am going to make an effort to loose some weight this month, with the warmer weather I tend to eat lighter meals.  Not the "stick to the ribs" meals a person feels they require during the cold Winter and Spring months.  It must have something to do with the hibernation process.  Now my hip feels better I am going to start walking again today, and make sure every day this month to get some steps in no matter what the weather.  All the gear necessary to combat every possible weather combination is in my closet, so absolutely no excuse, however, I always in the past seem to find at least one to put a halt to the walk.  Too hot, too cold, not enough time, time to get dinner, I could go on with the ones I have used.

Things to do today,  

I need to write a snail mail letter to my girl friend in England, I received one from her a couple of weeks ago, so that should be taken care of sometime today. The quilt for my grand daughter needs to be wrapped, clean the cupboard under the sink, water my tomatoes and new annuals planted in the garden. Go for a walk.  Make egg salad sandwiches for lunch and dessert for dinner.  Do the usual daily clean in the bathrooms.  Only one more place mat needs to be completed and then I will have all 12 done.  Quilt blocks for the month of June need to be sewn, I offered to make two of the required children's blocks each member makes per month for one of the members who is moving and does not have the time for them this month, so four in total need to se sewn.   We have a quilt challenge which was due by the end of June, however, because we are not able to meet at the present time the due date has now been changed to September.  However, I am  going to finish mine early so that I  don't have to worry abut it over the Summer.  Don't forget to do that walk.

Dinner tonight as usual chicken, veg  and salad.  No cooking for me tonight.

All those things on my "to do today" list will not get done sitting here, so must get moving.  

Have a wonderful day.

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...