Saturday, October 08, 2022


 It started out as a lovely sunny but, cold day, now there are more clouds than sun, looks like it's going to be one of those days.  Our thermometer indicated it went down to 4*C last night, however, did  not see any frost on anything.  Hubby is waiting for the grass to dry, there was a heavy dew, he wants to cut the grass again, it now seems to have had a burst of energy and growing fast again.

I did get some housework done yesterday, and also some sewing, working on a bumble bee for a quilt show.   Laundry in the washer and dryer at the present time.

Hubby's neck is still bruised down his back and a couple more stitches need to fall out.  It is looking good for the most part, however, still looks a bit ugly.   On the mend for sure, we will have to wait for a few more days before seeing the Doc's report on it.

Our balcony does not get any sunshine these days, so we are waiting for a couple of sunny warmer days so that we can take the canopy down and store it for the winter.   Don't know how long the two of us will still be able to do this, in the Spring we may need to get some help as it is heavy canvas.  We certainly have enjoyed many lunches, afternoon  naps, reading and watching the birds and fire flies.   Love sitting out there in the Summer, which now seems like it is going to be a long time before we can do it again.

Early days next week are forecast warmer, so garden furniture to bring in, pots to be emptied and store away.  Also, want to dig up and more a couple of plants, time will tell if that gets done, as I also need to tidy the front flower bed.  All of this work is making me tired just thinking about it.

Monday is Thanksgiving day here and Hubby's family will be here for dinner.   Will prepare veg tomorrow, I tend to go for dishes that can be made ahead and heated prior to the meal.  I hate all of the last minute things that need to be done.

Not sure what we will have for dinner tonight.   

Have aa great day,


1 comment:

  1. I love reading about your preparations for winter. Enjoy your thanksgiving


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