Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Not such a nice day as yesterday, cloudy with the odd drop of rain and it is forecast to be quite windy later today and this evening.

Bringing down some of the leaves which are turned colour already.   Soon it will be time to start raking them  up as we seem to have a lot of the neighbours leaves finally end up on our lawns.

Late start to the day today, this afternoon, however, I have been outside and done a bit more tidying up in the garden, removed all of the tomato vines as the tomatoes will not ripen at this time of the year.  Also, emptied the three window boxes and cut back the clematis.  Still a bit more to do, but I tend to do about and hour and a half then call it quits, body tells me when I have done too much the next day, I have learned the hard way.

It was a lovely sunny day and the temp was 22*C you know what that means, a ride, which could possible be our last for this year.   All of the leaves are turning and putting on a lovely show at the present time.

Dinner tonight is leftovers from Thanksgiving, so not much cooling to be done for me tonight, just heating up.

Have a great day.





  1. I heard about the forecast high winds - hope there's not too much damage. Take it easy with the garden cleanup - there's still time and if it doesn't get done, so what! I miss having leftovers, enjoy yours!

  2. Your ride sounds perfect. As do leftovers for dinner.


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