Thursday, July 28, 2022

A little rain

 We were hoping to have a decent rain, all we got was a sprinkling yesterday, the ground was damp this morning so another shower over night.  Hubby was hoping he would be able to apply the nematodes to the lawn, apparently they require moisture to help move them down into the soil.    With the help of the hose pipe and sprinkler  the back and side lawns were dampened and he did the work on them last night, planning on doing the front lawn this evening.   

We are suppose to get some hot weather again from today through the weekend, suppose to feel like 33*C this afternoon, as I write this at 10:20 a.m. you can actually see the humidity in the air, from the sun drying out the trees and lawns etc.   Looks as if it is an inside day for me, no worries I have things to do that will keep me busy.

Went for a short walk last evening, only a bit over a mile and a quarter, something is better than nothing.   From all of the motions I used yesterday to clean the shower stall, I now have some neck and shoulder discomfort,  not bad but a day of less activity is called for.   Tomorrow I have decided to top and bottom the kitchen, Hubby will take down the window covering and clean the windows, (he doesn't know it yet) then I will take care of the rest.  He will then put the blinds back up. 

My friend who has had a kidney transplant, advised she has Covid, had to go to the hospital for three intravenous antibiotics, home now, however, still ill with diarrhea so bad she has taken up residence in the bathroom.  She is fully vaccinated with four shots.   Please, if you have not, get vaccinated to avoid people such as my friend and others who are in a compromised health situation, from being as ill as she is.  I am hoping she will overcome this period of sickness and be OK.  If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for others, others maybe some friend or relative of yours.   I do believe if she had not been fully vaccinated, she would not be here today.  

Must decide what to have for dinner tonight, no major cooking is going to be done today, tomorrow will be salmon day, I use the toaster oven for that, so no heating the kitchen, Saturday, BBQ steak curtesy Hubby

Have a great day.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Make up your mind

Mother Nature does not know what she wants to do today, one minute the sun is trying to shine and the next the clouds get thicker and darker and we have a few drops of rain.   Cooler today also.

Gave our downstairs bathroom a good top to bottom today, sparkling clean now.   Gradually getting the rooms down there given  good turn out and clean.   The small bedroom will be the next and then the rec room. Hubby is going to look at a lot of his "stuff" in there before I can even give it a good clean.

DD1 stopped by for some lawn chair cushions I no longer need or want, DD2 wants the others, not sure when I can get them to her or when she can pick them up.  Hooray!   Some more gone.  Just left from the first room are several suit cases, DD1 suggested  we send them to the Women's shelter, will check with Hubby's family first.

Dinner tonight is pizza and a salad. will need to source some dessert too,

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Grocery day, the store was not busy at all today, have no idea why, we were there at pretty much the same time as we usually are.  Could be vacation time for people.

As we were unpacking and putting away our groceries, we received a phone call, I hardly every answer the phone just let to go to the answering machine but, today I did and was pleasantly surprised to hear the voice of Hubby's sister in law on the other end, asking if we will be home as she would be over shortly.    She   "M" is visiting from B. C., some of her family still live in this area, so she usually makes a trip back for a couple of weeks, visiting with everyone.    We had a lovely visit, and as usual visits like this are way to short, as she had to make good use of the time remaining to make sure she checked in with everyone on her list.

Sunny with cloudy periods, quite a bit cooler but that is just fine,  I feel like doing more when the air is clear of the humidity.   So, I took two walks yesterday for a total of 2 miles.   Not bad for an upcoming 81 year old who has not done any walking for a month or so.   Trying to lose some of those extra pounds is not working too well, so anything more I can do, I will.   The scales will tell the truth when I jump,  well not really a jump, a better word is step on  it.

Our usual Tuesday night dinner, chicken, salad, with another veg, dessert not sure yet.

Monday, July 25, 2022

White ghost

Every night in my garden there is a white ghost.  It started out only two feet tall, over the past couple of weeks it has become taller and taller.  Last night it was almost five feet tall, not sure how high it will end up.  Thank goodness there is only one.   I will tell you later if you can't guess who or what my ghost is.

The all day rain we were suppose to get last about half an hour, with another shower late evening, does that count as all day.   It did, however, get rid of the humidity in the air, today now feels lovely, if not on the bit too chilly side with the wind blowing as it is.   Gives us a chance breath again before the heat comes back again, which it surely will.

Had my hair cut this morning, so feeling human again, not a shaggy dog anymore.  

Past posts I have noted being a bit down, without going into anymore details, I have thought over the issue and decided that nothing will change, know the saying......"If you can't beat them, join them." that is what I am going to do.   I am sure it will make me feel better, but it will not resolve the issue.  Enough said. on to a more pleasant subject.

So have you thought about my ghost, your three guesses are done, so I will tell you.

We have tomato plants growing in a pot on our patio, they started out small, grown and now have produced tomatoes, still green yet but tomatoes just the same.   The deer in our neighbourhood love tomatoes, so now cover them with a sheet every night to keep the deer away.   The sheet is now fully unfolded so it looks like a white ghost at night with the solar lights shining in the background.

Dinner tonight, no sure what the meat will be, we do have some potato salad to finish so will prepare something that will taste good with that.


Sunday, July 24, 2022

The good and the bad

Yesterday I forgot to mention other things that we are going to be doing in the future.

While we were at the theatre on Friday we noticed Andre Rieu's concert will be shown via satellite on August 27, so we purchased tickets to see him.  If, you have not seen or even listened to some of his concerts, in my opinion, you are certainly missing out of some lovely music.  In the past we have gone to this kind of performance, but during the past couple of years, not been able to.  Looking forward to that, fingers crossed everything will be OK at that time.

We also use to go to a monthly Jazz show in one of the performance venues at our main library downtown.  They were always free of charge and well attended as new artists were always being brought in for the 1 1/2 hour show.   I received an e-mail which indicated a performance would be available to attend in September, so we registered for it.

That was the good, now the bad.

Our garage is attached to our house, we can go through our kitchen door to the garage.  Hubby went out the kitchen door this morning to put some paper in our recycle bin, and noticed the small door in the garage, which leads to outside, looked as if it needed some weather stripping around it as he could see light through a space around the door.  Walking towards it, he noticed the door was ajar, he knew he had closed and locked it last night.  Turning around he then noticed all of the cupboard doors were open.   We had had visitors overnight, nothing appears to have been taken, no idea what the intruders would have been looking for, as there was a lot of small electric tools in the cupboards and they were still there.   Soooooo, glad we lock all of our doors before we retire for the night, I will certainly double check from now on.  Is nothing or no one safe in their own home any more, I begin to

We did have some rain early this morning, not sure if we will get any more or not, the forecast indicated it would be an all day rain.  Wrong, as the sun is now trying to shine.   Humid and warm again by the looks of it.

It appears the deer are finding plenty to eat where ever they are at the moment, as they are leaving my flower beds alone, hope they don't read blogs, or I am now going to have them eating my day lilies, they love those.  

Dinner tonight, Hubby doesn't know it yet, he is BBQing a steak, potato salad, and garden salad will be on the menu.  I made the jelly thingy yesterday, it tastes OK, but looks like green I don't know what you would call it.  Used a lime jelly powder and some whipped cream, it even sound disgusting when I write these words, anyway it fills a hole.   Ha Ha Ha.

Today, is going to be a "me" day, which means I will not be doing much, only the things that make me happy, so will be doing some sewing.  At this time of the year there appears to be so many things to do and I do like being outside, therefore do not get much time for my quilting.  That is a Winter hobby.

Cheers have a great Sunday.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Busy Friday

 Yesterday we were eligible to get our 4th Covid jab, we were required to wait a certain amount of time between all of our shots.  I am sure my readers were required to do that also.   So, we received our shot at the walk in facility, not much waiting really, as the line was moving all the time.   My arm is a bit tender but, other than that so side effects this time.  I had no energy for a couple of days when I had my 3rd.

We then decided to go an see my favorite actor, Tom Hanks, he was Colonel Tom Parker in the movie Elvis.   The movie was OK, would not say you had to go and see it.  I am amazed at the makeup artists in the movie world, if I did not know it was Tom, I would have never guessed it was him.  We then went out for dinner, nothing special but, I did not have to cook it nor clean up afterwards, that's the best part.   

It is still hot and humid here, we were forecast some rain this morning but, it never came, tomorrow is suppose to be wet, time will tell.

Did some errands this morning, laundry and housework, now taking a water break and writing to you in blog land.

I had intended on cooking salmon for dinner last night, so that is on the menu for tonight, just made a jelly for dessert.  

Not much else happening here this weekend, I will be watching the last leg of the Tour de France, tomorrow, I watch mainly for the scenery, the riders will be finishing in Paris tomorrow.  On my bucket list is a desire to rent a car and follow one of the routes the Tour de France cyclists have taken.  I think it would be a lovely trip.  Doubt that will happen at this stage of the game though.  I have been to France, my late husband and I rent a car for a few days, as he wanted to see Vimy Ridge, as that is where his father was injured during WWI.  We were also on an Atlantic cruise, with stops in the port La Harve in France, one of the side trips was a bus tour of Paris, so we did that.  So I suppose I can say, I have seen some lovely French countryside, so I am happy with that. 

Travelling is one thing I have missed doing during the last 2 and something years.  Been to a lot of places, but there is so much to see in this wide world of ours.

Time to think about that salmon, so have a great day.


Thursday, July 21, 2022


I have not been in the mood for blogging for a little while, I believe you would be pleased, as if would have been grumble, grumble and more grumble.

Wow! it has been hot and humid here for the past few days, with little hope of it cooling down until early next week.  A plus, we have had some rain, during the past two days a total of 1 1/2 inches in the rain gauge.

As we were finishing dinner last night Hubby's phone had an alert for tornadoes in our area, we did have a torrential down pour, and the alert was cancelled at 7:30 p.m.  It still looked like more rain was coming as it does today, so we will have to wait and see if we get more.

We have two bedrooms in our basement which were used for student rentals years ago, now there were a catch all for everything and anything.  Yesterday, I decided it was time to get rid of some "stuff".   When I moved in with Hubby, I told him I would be taking some things of his wife, which I did not like and put them in boxes, and that is where they have been for six years.  Time to look at and decide what goes and what stays.  I never threw out anything unless he looked at it first, so he could decide.   Why am I telling you this? yesterday was the day for a good clean out, as the large room was getting just too difficult to clean, I like clean.   Three boxes to charity shop gone already, two more to go either today or tomorrow.  The end of the driveway had two chairs, odds and ends and our regular bag of garbage.   All gone as I write.  There is some luggage and cushions for lawn chairs, we are going to ask family if they want, if not, charity shop will get those also.

A Winter project I want to get finished is all my photo's, I know, I know, I have said this before BUT, now is the time.  A task that has been put off for far too long.  

We are planning  on getting our forth jab tomorrow, as the time frame we had to wait is now up.  Also, need to make an appointment for a hair trim. 

Youngest GD will be doing two solo flights this week then she will have her license to fly a four seater plane.  Next GD, had a fantastic time in Portland ,Oregon at her  biology summit and also the side trip she took to Vancouver.  

Got to see five of my GG;s last week, when Hubby and I went to the cottage my DD1 had rented for a week.  She had her DD2 and family there for five days.

Dinner tonight, really not sure at this point in time. 


Monday, July 11, 2022

Busy week ahead

 It will be a busy week, maybe not as busy as some people's I am sure but, things that we are doing in the coming days will take some hours out of the day.

Two cars to go to the repair shop which is way across town, each one on a different day.  They both will take some time to fix, so a trip there to drop them off then back home and return to pick each one up and come home again. It does not take much to make me think I am busy, does it.

One day we are visiting with DD1, she and her hubby have rented a cottage for a week and have invited us to visit them, so that will fill in a full day.

Hubby also has an appointment for some tests, have no idea how long that will take.

Also in week we need to go to the grocery store.

Exciting week ahead,  just a bit of sarcasm there.

It is quite hot these days, so does not make one feel like doing anything too strenuous.

Last night we had dinner to celebrate Hubby's granddaughter J's graduation from grade eight.   Chinese buffet,  all very good, pricey but, what isn't these days.    

Granddaughter K is having a great time at the Plant biology summit in Portland, Oregon at the present time.  She sent us pics of her presentation, I could count on my two hands all of the words that I could understand, the rest, way beyond me. So happy for the experiences she is having.  Two day left for the summit, then one day of sightseeing, then she is going to Vancouver B.C. for the weekend and then back to Ottawa for next Monday.

Not much else going on here in my neck of the woods.

Dinner tonight, pork chops, I read where the starch in cold potatoes takes longer to get processed in your digestive system, so yesterday I made a small potato salad, will see how that effects the numbers.  Also, going to have some broccoli and cauliflower, dessert maybe just fruit for today.


Saturday, July 09, 2022

Canada is back

So where did it go...... I'll tell ya......

When we got us yesterday morning we had no internet, no one had any communication of any kind if you were using a particular carrier, who I will call   "R".   R had problems, BIG problem, that spanned from East to West and North to South.  Cyber attack, NO! but at this point in time no one has indicated what the problem was, I doubt we will every know.

 If a business was using, gas stations, restaurants could only do transactions with cash.  How many people us cash these days, so off to the bank they go.   No interact, no cash.  The emergency number 911 was not available. One pharmacy which was interviewed, indicated Rx's could not be filled.  A big mess.  The businesses that were using another carrier had crowds on people on the sidewalk in front of the store using the stores WiFi service, just so they could make a call or do some business.  A large number of employers are still having employee's working from home,  so they got an extra day off this week.

The outage lasted all day and I have no idea what time everything came back on line, when we got us this morning everything was working fine. 

The morning news paper indicated R would be issuing refunds to those affected,  lots of money being given out, which most likely will be in the form of a credit to accounts.   Now, I wonder how many people will abandon the R ship and more on to one of the other carriers.   There is not much choice as there are only three in the country.   Changes need to be made.

It certainly makes you realize, how much we depend on the internet, it is almost scary to think about, as everything or almost everything came to a screeching halt, and no one could do anything about it. 

We are having some nice weather at the present time sunny and hot, however, we are in desperate need of some rain.  During the month of June we only had 50% of what is the normal for the month.  Here we are 9 days into July and it is not looking much better. 

Dinner tonight, we had some store bought shaved beef, I made a small potato salad and brussels sprouts with chocolate mousse for dessert.

Getting time for me to call it a day.

Thursday, July 07, 2022

Weather forecast

 Sometimes the weather forecast is right and sometimes it is wrong.

I saw a weather forecast the other day which is never wrong.

Today my rock is casting a shadow, the sun is shining and it heating up.

Had a lovely visit and dinner with five co-workers from years ago.  We have not been together for three years due to you know what, so it certainly nice to catch up with everyone.  All of these women are younger than me by at least 15 years, I was happy with how I have faired during those absent years.   Several have been snacking their way through the shut downs we have experienced since we last met.  One of the "girls" has difficulty walking, I know she had issues with her back some years ago, so the additional years have not been kind.   Not bragging but, I have not changed much, their comments not mine.  Were they being kind, no as I do believe I have not changed, I weigh less, more grey hair and wrinkles I must admit.

Could it be part of what we all consumed at dinner,??? me....I had a delicious salad and iced tea.  Mashed potatoes, french fries, gravy, fried chicken were on the plates of my table mates.  ???

I have been concerned about the trip my granddaughter "K" is taking, mainly due to all of the issues I have seen on the news regarding the congestion at the airports.   Relieved....just had a message pop up she has just arrived in an airport out west and is now waiting for her flight to Portland.  (sigh).

Dinner tonight, ham, salad, asparagus, must think of something for dessert, I do have  few strawberries left, so they will be finished.

Have a great day. 

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

What do I write today

 Weather...cloudy and humid.

My mood....pretty good.

Housework.... not happening at the moment, later...yes of course. do you pull weeds when the ground is so dry,  they will still be there later this week.

Dinner......Hubby is having ham, salad,, asparagus, strawberries.    Me, depends what I decide from the menu.

Family.....all is good.

So, that is about all I have to say today, nothing exciting happening but, that's OK.  I am happy, healthy, family is the same.   

Hope you all well.

Cheers, have a great day, keeping cool or warm wherever you are.

Tuesday, July 05, 2022


 We are both as lazy as we can be, Hubby can't do any work outside, as the lawns have not grown due to the dry conditions. He was helping his son build a shed, however, the son is now on vacation for a couple of days, so that job is now on hold for  a few days.  

We went to the grocery store today to do a big shop, looking carefully at the products for carbs. and calories.  Also noted the prices have gone up again for fresh veg, it seems the local produce is now more expensive when grown here in Canada, that it is to ship it from all over the world.  Case in point radishes, three weeks ago they were $1.49 a bunch, last week $1.69 and today $1.99, grant you the bunch was bigger than they were.  Strawberries are in the same category, local ones pricey, got them anyway to help the farmers.

Sunday we went for a lovely five hour ride in the convertible, where did we go...we have no idea.  We travelled the country roads, turning left at one intersection and right at the next.   The weather was perfect.  Going through one town Hubby spotted a sign.   "Sit, enjoy and relax awhile".  The Lion's club of this town had set up a picnic shelter on the side of the street, it had two tables, and a library stand.   We had some drinks with us and some healthy snacks, so we sat for awhile.   The library is one where people drop off a book that they have read and no long need, and if you want one of the books you can take it.   Looking through them I saw a book by James Herriot.  All creatures great and Small", so I took that one to read.  When I am done with it I will find another of these libraries, they are located in several places in the city where I live, so will deposit there.   We arrived home too late to start cooking dinner so stopped at a restaurant for dinner.  A perfect Summer day.

Going out for dinner with some of my co-workers from years ago tomorrow, looking forward to that as we have not been together for a long time.

Dinner tonight chicken, broccoli and cauliflower salad, tomato and dessert strawberries.

Saturday, July 02, 2022

I am back

So what kept me silent for a few days?

Feeling very low and busy trying to not think about anything.

Life is better now.

Hubby has been paranoid about Covid, would not go anywhere without his mask, his choice to do that and there is nothing wrong with that.   However, I have been going out to my quilting meetings, lunch with a friend and the movies all without wearing a mask.   I felt comfortable doing that.  As usual my mind starts thinking, is he uncomfortable with me going out and possibly bringing it home to him, when he is taking every precaution.  Should I being staying home? So we had a discussion about masking, the number of cases and our current shot situation which is up to date and in a couple of weeks we can have our forth shot.  So, we went to his GD's graduation, no mask, ate in a restaurant, went to our condo meeting, ate at a restaurant and last night visited my DD1 along with her unvaccinated DD2 and her five children.  I needed to meet some family, it was over a year since I saw GD and Great Grands.   

Feeling so much better and going out to dinner this coming Thursday, with some women I worked with 20 some years ago.  We would have dinner on a regular basis, but  not for the past 2 1/2 years,  we feel Ok about it now.  

My sister does not need to wear her sling for her broken arm, going for therapy this coming week and can do anything she feels comfortable doing.  DG2 is still in a blow up boot for her broken foot, goes for therapy and Monday having a standing x-ray, which will determine if she can take off the boot.   With all of the inactivity, she has gain some weight, I am sure it will come off when she can move around more, it's been several months since she broke her foot so will  take time to lose the weight.

I have started to read again, just light novels, so enjoying doing that during a hot humid afternoon.  Still sewing my quilts, walking and gardening. Life is good.

We had a brief shower yesterday afternoon, not enough to do any good, the lawns are all dried up and the ground is showing cracks in it.  Use the hose pipe water for my garden plants, but we have just about given up on watering the lawns, it gets expensive, not only using the water but the sewer charge even when it's not going down the drain.

Dinner tonight is salmon, stuffed mushrooms and another veg have not decided yet, making a vanilla mousse for dessert. 

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...