Friday, June 17, 2022


 What a difference a day makes.

The heat and humidity yesterday was unbearable, even a brief shower did nothing but make the humidity even worse.  It hung in the air like a blanket, heavy and smothering.   Some areas received more rain and thunderstorms than us, but did not hear of any major damage done.  The air today is crisp and clear, a brisk breeze blowing in the kitchen window, so refreshing.   I am thankful for the A/C on days such as yesterday and days previous, but give me a nice natural breeze anytime.

I did some sewing yesterday, got a couple of quilt blocks taken care of for our potluck dinner meeting next week.  I put my name down for a salad so should get busy deciding what to take.   This will be our last meeting until September, so many people are on vacation during July and August, so not much sense having a meeting with very few being able to attend.   We might end up having a sewing day at least once during the Summer.   

We went for a ride in the convertible on Wednesday evening because it was so hot.   We usually go down roads that have little traffic, which of course, is in farming country.   With the top down you can smell all of the perfumes, some nice and others, well, there is no description for the smell of manure from  the cow barns and chicken farms.  We went past fields of freshly curing hay, I love the smell of hay in the evening, with just a touch of dew starting to gather on top of the neatly placed rows in the field.  It brings back memories of living on a farm for my first 16 years.   I remember being in the fields when loose hay was lifted with a fork onto a wagon with racks on the front and back to keep it all in place, and then being perched on top for the ride to the barn.   Then bales were introduced to farmers and my sister's and my job was to roll the bales (too heavy for us to lift) into groups of four or five as  they were dropped by the baling machine so it was easier for them to be picked up, with less stopping and starting at each bale.  It was a hot job, so we were dressed appropriately in shorts, however, when the day was done and it was bath time .....ouch, ouch.    The hay stalks were sharp and dry, so would scratch or lightly go into the skin, so when the warm water touched your legs and arms it stung.   Oh! the memories of the good old days.    We thought haying was painful but, the grain and straw, well that's another story for another day.

Tonight's dinner, salmon, mushrooms and a garden salad. Not sure what is for dessert, some kind of fruit sounds as if it might be good.

Have a great day.


  1. Ooh, a convertible! We had one once but rarely had the roof off. Your memories of working on a farm were fascinating. I'm afraid I have always been a city girl!

  2. Country life always looks so inviting but I don't think many realise how hard work it really is. Your day sounds lovely and your descriptions took me there.

  3. You folks are a good week ahead of us here in the Ottawa Valley. We haven't felt that heat yet. Rain rain rain. Few farmers have their hay off and many field have the baby corn under water!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...