Saturday, June 18, 2022

Hold on to your hat

 It was so windy all day yesterday and into the night and again today, and down right cold compared to the 42*C temps we were having just a few short days ago.

Laundry, housework, sewing and watered the hanging baskets, they dry out so fast during the windy conditions we are having.  We did not sit out for our lunch today, even though where we sit was sheltered from the wind and on the south side of the house.  Even put long leggings back on , as the capri's did not keep my legs warm enough.  I know, complain, complain,  six months we will doing that again due to the really cold weather.

Hope my readers enjoyed my hay making memories,  I will have to have something else to uncover another memory and let you know a bit more about me.   

Tomorrow is Father's day here in Canada, and the city in which I use to live in has started again to have a car show, which were not held for the past two years.  We are planning on going with Hubby's old convertible, however, if it is as cool as it is today, I think we might just give it a pass.  Nothing for uncomfortable that sitting under a shade tree with the wind blowing, our old bones don't like it at all.

I took a new saddle of flowers to my Mum and Dad's grave a couple of weeks ago, as they are quite a long drive away from me,  I will not be going to visit again until later in the year.

Dinner tonight was mashed cauliflower, roast beef and brussel sprouts, with fruit in jelly for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to learn more about you. Keep those memories coming!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...