Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Blue skies smiling at me

We have a lovely sunny day, not too warm, no wind and no humidity, perfect, if they could all be like today  I would be happy.   However, we are forecast some rain overnight, which is just fine with me.

Have no idea what I am going to do today, not much really needs to be done, except prep for dinner, and I have no idea what we are going to have, so should put my thinking cap on.

There is always some housework, pulling weeds in the garden, going for my walk, sewing, reading, give myself a manicure or just doing absolutely nothing.  Maybe I should do a little of each one of the things listed, that should fill my day.

Also, need to call the garage to make an appointment for a small repair on my car and also call my sister to see how she is doing.

I don't see much spare time if I get to all those things.

The fluffy bits are still coming off the tree, we had hoped the rain was going to put a stop to it but, it didn't.

Well, no much to say today, so have a great day, must tackle the list above.


  1. It was a perfect day to work in my garden. Too bad I look like I have monkey pox this evening. Dastardly deer flies!!

  2. I love the idea of doing a bit of everything. One hand manicured?! Enjoy some quite time.

    1. Got everything done, but the manicure. Had a great day.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...