Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Nothing doing

 Overnight we had an inch and a half of rain, and showers forecast throughout the day, so all outside work has halted for the moment.  Too wet to garden, our soil has a lot of clay in it, so it sticks to shoes and tools, it has cooled down somewhat too, so not a pleasant day to be working outside.  I am sure to find something to do inside, housework, reading, sewing and preparing lunch and dinner, sounds as if I am going to be busy. No!  not busy as I will pick and choose what I want to do.

Groceries bought this morning, the bill was quite high as we got multiples of the specials.  It took a little longer than usual as we were reading the labels, Hubby has decided he should pay more attention to his eating habits, and it won't hurt me to follow his lead.  He does not need to lose weight, just eat the proper food in the portions that he is allowed.  Two days done and we are doing better than I had expected, hoping we don't slip off the healthy eating bandwagon in the future.

Yesterday, I sent an e-mail regarding a magazine subscription, which stated my fist issue will start with the January 1970 copy.  What????  A reply e-mail was in my box this morning, they corrected the mistake, it will start with the July/Auguest issue.

Registered for the Masters next year, fingers crossed.

Lunch time, have a great day.


  1. It rained pretty much all day here too with a similar result. Tomorrow I am on a bus trip to Stratford so hope the weather will be improved. Is it next year's golf tournament you reigstered for? Is it being held near you?

    1. Yes, it is for next year. It is always held in Augusta, Ga. USA. My son won tickets in the lottery several years ago, his son was unable to go, so I took his place. Had a great time.

  2. Wet clay soil is not pleasant. I would be interested to hear what changes you have made to your diet. Your meals always seem to well balanced and delicious!

    1. Hubby takes a daily pill for diabetes, he has been having a problem with his foot, he thought it was nerve damage, but he has not been diabetic for long enough to suffer from that. We have been taking his sugar readings and some were not acceptable, so we are being more careful with what we eat. It would not hurt me to lose a few pounds.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...