Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Obscured by smoke

 Wednesday, sunshine again, however, not as bright as it could be as the smoke from the wildfires is being blown east into Ontario.   It is high up in the atmosphere so we are not able to smell it.  When talking to my sister this morning she said when the sun rose it was an eerie red colour.  Too early in the season for wildfires, hope it is not an indication of ongoing fires when it gets hotter during Summer.

Had my hair trimmed this morning, not quite as short as I have had it in the past.  My hair is straight with several crown/cowlicks towards the crown and back of my head, so difficult to manage, I find it easier when it is a bit longer than it usually is after a cut.  

I am trying to find a new pair of jeans, yes, this granny wear jeans.  I am short, so need to go to the petit section, I am also a few pounds over weight, so little jeans do not fit my hips and a#$ss.   Then there are the ones that fit but full of holes, I want my pants looking like new, not ready for the garbage.  So I continue to look and bought a dress instead, my retail therapy satisfied.

Just finished making an angle food cake to have with some strawberries for our dinner tonight.  Did I say I am a little overweight, I will only have a small portion, need to satisfy my sweet tooth.   Having said that, bread is my downfall the crustier and more rustic the better, sounds good for you, it is, however, too much of a good thing is not helpful to the poundage.

After chatting about the weight, I am now going for a walk, as we did not get to do that this morning.  Tomorrow will be the same as I have an appointment with the dentist for a cleaning.

Have a great day


1 comment:

The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...