Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Everything is working

Teckie came on Saturday and changed everything so we could get Ignite TV.   However, not all was working as it should, when we tried to send /received emails so early the next morning I called our internet provider who is different from our TV provider and teckie did something he should not have done.  Called the company for our TV service, on the phone for almost an hour and a half talking to rep.  Finally, he advised a new teckie person would come and fix the issue but, because it was not their equipment but, our interest providers equipment they were going to charge me for the visit.  No way were they going to do that when their first teckie screwed up.  I told him in no uncertain terms we were not going to pay it.   The money is of no issue, it's the principal of the thing.  I advised I wanted immediate service, however, he only had appointments in a couple of days, not acceptable, so after much insistence and getting madder by the minute we had a teckie come yesterday at 11:00 a.m.   All fixed and they had the nerve to send me a survey regarding our experiences with our latest interaction.  I could not complete it, not enough room to fill in everything, so left it blank.  If it was up to me and I had a choice they would have been out of the house with their service, so fast you could see their dust.  

Another hot day, and we could break the record for temp on this day.   I fear this is going to be a very hot dry Summer, wildfires are now burning in two provinces, some residents have been evacuated.   We usually have this type of weather and fires in the Summer and we are not finished with Spring yet. Here we are at the end of May, only 4 mm of rain has fallen in our city, when we usually get an average of  90 mm, only chance of some showers is next Monday, if we are lucky.  The grass on lawns is going brown already.

Hubby finally has repaired the tractor after working on it for more than 10 days,  don't know he will every use it, as per the previous comments.

Bathrooms and kitchen cleaned yesterday and read a book during the afternoon.

Not much happening today.

Have a great day.



1 comment:

  1. Glad everything is sorted but, what an ordeal. Good you persevered and won out in the end. It pays to be persistent!


The world of white

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