Friday, May 05, 2023

Here comes the sun

We had a pea soup fog this morning, the sun has now almost burnt it off and trying hard to shine.   Forecast is for more sun in the coming days and temps warmer, cannot wait.

 Wall hangings story:

My two youngest grand daughters are the adopted daughters of my DD2 and son in law.  When they went to China for the first daughter, the adoption agency sent six families in total in a group as all the babies were coming from the same orphanage.   I went with my DD2 and son in law on that trip.   Every year, which has now been 24 years these six families have been having a yearly reunion, (except one due to Covid) as I was in that group I am invited to attend also another Grandma who also travelled with her son and daughter in law on that trip.   

When the girls were old enough to know and understand their adoption, I made six wall hangings, one for each girl.  They all use the same fabric, however, each one is designed just a little different.

I am only showing two here and will tell you the story depicted.

The left side shows where the child was born, bamboo and panda's for China, the heart hidden in the leaves is the heart of the Mother who carried the child, however, we do not know who or where she is, therefore hidden.  At the base of the bridge there is a small child who is going to cross over the water which represents the sea between China and Canada,

The right side, shows the rocky mountains, trees and animals native to Canada.  The little  girl is how they looked when I gave them this wall hanging.  The maple tree with it's leaves changing colour, fall as hearts, representing the love of their Canadian family.

When I gave the wall hangings, a letter was enclosed explaining what I have just told you, so the parents could read it to their daughters.  Several parents were moved to tears.  

All of these girls are now 25 years old, some still pursuing their education,  others are either starting a new career or have been working for a short time.  They all have a sister, also adopted from China at different times, however, their groups of families have not continued with reunions as this group has.

The families and girls are all special in a way that is hard to describe.  Going thousands of miles to a foreign country, spending very large sums of money, not once but twice is hard to imagine.  The love of wanting a child is very powerful.

I often wonder, then dismiss the thought as maybe I would not want to know, but wonder anyway, what would these girls be doing now at the age they are, if they were still in the country of their birth.  I thank the families all over the world who have adopted children, not just the ones who go off shore but, the domestic ones too.   Giving children a new and better life, from the one they would have had if no one had wanted a child to call their own.  

These girls are all well and adjusted to the fact they are adopted, it has not been easy for a couple of the families but all families have an issue at one point during the raising of their children.

A reunion is taking place again this Summer, however, I will be out of the country so unable to attend, will certainly see photo's and hear all about it, there is always next year.

Have a great day.


1 comment:

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