Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The rain is gone???

 Well it looks as if we might see the start of some sunshine today.   Still looking a bit grey in parts of the sky, however, it is brighter.

The weather has a big impact on me, this past few days when it has been grey and wet I have had absolutely no energy to do anything.  Coupled with that seeing how uncomfortable Hubby has been feeling, I have done nothing and I mean nothing, just a swish around the bathrooms, they need freshening up every day and getting meals.  The rest of the time fitting around in the sewing room.  So today I should get my rear in gear and do something, housework needs to be done.  My house is not dirty, but I know the vacuum, dust cloth and mop have been in the cupboard and not used.

Hubby is now feeling a lot better, still a lot of bruising but, time will take care of that.   The stitches are the dissolving kind, so they should start doing that within the next few days.   He can't believe he has done nothing for the past week, certainly not like him at all.  Actually the wet weather has been a blessing, for him anyway, as he could not do anything outside.   That could all change tomorrow as the grass has been growing with all the rain and is in need of a trim. 

Went into our local well known world wide department store yesterday, and found it very untidy and dirty and felt as if I was in a different country with all the nationalities of the staff.  I don't like to mentioned what I am about to write, however, I had to come outside and see what country flag was blowing on the pole in the parking lot to make sure I was in Canada.   Everyone is entitled to live and have a job any where they want to, (there are limits, I know), however, if you move from the country you were born in to another, at least learn the language and follow the customs and laws of the new country.   Don't try and change your new home into the one you just left.   I am an immigrant, I had to change, not as much as some but, I had to change.

Don't know if I will shop there again, however, having said that, I do get a vitamin that Hubby and I take for our eyes, it is a lot cheaper, at least half of what the drug store charges, so will go to above store for that and only that.  Rant over.

October is going to be a very busy month for us, birthday parties, appointments, theatre, meetings, a quilt show and more meetings.   I have a feeling October will be here and gone before we know it.

Dinner?   a good question, should go and see what I feel like preparing, so with that I am out of here.


1 comment:

  1. I fully relate to the immigrant comment. Australia and Canada are very similar. Learn the language, embrace our values and stop complaining.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...