Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Amongst the living

 Hubby is feeling a bit better today, still bruised and sore but, not so much.  On the road to recovery, he is certainly hoping so.

Damp again over night and again this morning, we are suppose to get full on rain this afternoon.  The sky is looking very grey and heavy so, it looks as if the forecast is going to be right.   

I was sooooo lazy yesterday, I did clean up the kitchen appliances, fridge, stove, microwave etc etc. but that was about all, then went into the sewing room made a mess in there but like the result from all the bits and pieces of fabric which are now strewn all over the place.  Organized mess? sure, I know where everything is but, soon all will be cleaned up.  When finished, which will be soon, as it will be going into a quilt show in October, I  will post a photo.

Not much else going on here today, we did get groceries this morning, store not very busy at all.

Dinner tonight chicken not sure what else, will find something I am sure, as all the cupboards and fridge are full once again. 


1 comment:

  1. Organised chaos is what that situation is known as in my family!


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