Monday, September 05, 2022

Dull and dreary

Not very nice weather for a holiday weekend, Saturday was a lovely day, however, yesterday and today are damp, with just enough rain or drizzle to make everything wet.  A rain that does not do anything to help the ground get the moisture it desperately needs.   The temps are cooler than we have been used to, so that is shock to the system but, we will have to get use to it, it's coming.

My tomatoes are taking forever to ripen, only picking three or four a day, which is hardly enough for us even if they are added to a salad.  May have to put them in a paper bag with an apple later to get them to ripen.  I tried that a couple of years ago and it worked quite well,  every other day I checked them to make sure none of them were turning bad, some stayed green and eventually shriveled up, so obviously they were no where near ready to be taken of the vines.

Need to take some cuttings from my geraniums soon, to let them get the most of the sun and rain before they come inside to over winter in the house.  Also, need to make sure I bring in the poinsettia this month and put it in the dark "cold cellar", and hope it will be changing colour in time for Christmas.

 What am I up to this Labour day holiday, not much just the usual things I do on a daily basis, for us every day is a holiday, so this one means nothing to us.   Looking forward to next weekend when DD1 has invited family over for a BBQ.  We are getting together now and it will be a Christmas in Sept. get together.  The family is getting quite large and everyone is so busy around Christmas, we never seem to get together, so decided we should do this.  Hoping it will become a tradition.

Did not walk yesterday, my excuse, the rain, I don't mind the cooler temps, however, when you get wet as well it is not pleasant, so decided against it.  The sky is brightening up a bit at the present time, 10:15 a.m., so hopefully, I will get my exercise in today.  A Doctor I had some time ago suggested I walk to help keep me regular, for me, it works, so must keep trying to do a little every day.

Started on the twin baby quilts for DD1 yesterday,  I had some fabric that was appropriate just had to add some other with it, looking OK so far.  Will do a bit more on them again today sometime, after the daily chores are all finished.

Hubby had to use the umbrella to keep him dry while he cooked a steak for dinner last night, a baked potato and corn on the cob, plus a piece of lemon cake was on the menu. 

Tonight we are having pizza and salad, will need to source something for dessert.


  1. What a lovely new tradition, celebrating Christmas in September. That would suit me so well as I always find December 25 fraught with pressure and anxiety!

  2. That is a great idea. Families get so big as we get older. Two of my daughters in law come from divorced families so that adds extra complications into the mix trying to get people together.
    Walking in the rain can be pleasant if it's the right sort of rain but it rarely is. And it's always wet!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...