Friday, September 09, 2022

Concert & day trip

Sad news regarding Queen Elizabeth II.  I remember the Coronation and fancy dress parade and celebrations we were involved in when my sister and I were in England.   Sister "B" was "Little bow peep", instead of sheep, she had one of my Mother's goat's, Dad made a crook and a neighbour curled her hair in rags.  She won first prize, what it was, I don't remember.   I was dressed as Queen Elizabeth Ist, wearing a ruffled collar and a pale purple dress, which belonged to my aunt when she was the maid of honour at Mother and Dad's wedding.  In my china cabinet I have the mug which was given to all the children from our village to celebrate the coronation.  Such memories that are still in the back of my  mind.  

We registered for the free tickets for the Jazz concert some time ago, and went to the concert on Wednesday.   
After skirting around all of the road construction in this city (Summer is not called Summer here, the season is called Construction) we found a parking garage and  arrived in plenty of time to get a decent seat.  It was a full house of approximately 200 people, the concert started at 7:00 p.m. with, for the first time "door prizes", as our luck runs, we did not win any of the tickets to concerts  in other venues.   A group of three female singers were the special guests and sang some of the older songs of the McGuire Sisters, then moving through the years to  Abba then to more modern singers and their songs.  We thoroughly enjoyed the 1 3/4 hours of music.   The concert hall will have other special guests for the monthly concerts until the end of the year and we are hoping into 2023 also.

Yesterday, was a lovely day so the open road was telling up to take advantage of the warm temps and sunshine.  We packed our cold drinks and  ventured out, ending up along the lakeside.  We sat in the shade and watch boats of all kinds and sizes, which included a large lake freighter.  Dinner time, it just happens there is a fish and chip wagon parked nearby,  fish and chips was on the menu for us.   Oh, it was so good, and it doesn't hurt to be bad once in awhile does it?  Dinner was served in a plastic container, sprinkled with lots of malt vinegar, just as I like it..... yummy.    

 It was getting late in the day and as we had the convertible we needed to get going home before it got too chilly and dark.   An enjoyable day,  which could be the last one we have as Fall in closing in on us.

Obviously, no walking took place, however, on Wednesday I did 1 3/4 kms.

So what am I doing today, I will be taking some dessert to our family BBQ tomorrow, so need to make the Boston Cream cupcakes today.   Tomorrow, I will pick up a fruit tray at the grocery store.  Looking forward to seeing some of the family members.  My two GD's going to university and college live too far away to make the trip, but will see them at Christmas I am sure.  At the present time their education for their careers is more important.  GD "K" received her official letter of acceptance into the PhD program on Wednesday, and GD "C'" is now studying to fly larger planes.  GD's "N", "C" and 
GS "C" will not be able to come either, GD "D" and her family will be there.  

Dinner tonight liver and onions, need to source something else and desssert.


1 comment:

  1. A lovely day for a drive indeed. Fish and chips sound perfect but you can keep the liver. I have never been able to eat it - probably because it wasn't prepared properly.


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