Friday, November 18, 2022

Wish it would warm up

 Minus degrees at night, and not much warmer during the day.

I am not fond of this snow and cold temps this early, it makes for a long Winter.

Hubby still has pneumonia, three weeks into it now, Dr. says it could be 4 - 6 weeks before he is 100%, age is a big factor.

Not done much today, other than Dr. appointment and grabbing a few things from the grocery store.

Weary, both body and mind, however, I feel things are getting better after the talk with Dr.

Too late for me to hope everyone has a great day, well, maybe not for some readers down under.



  1. I have relatives State side. I'm worried about them.

  2. I am glad you saw the doctor. Is hubby feeling any better? I will have a good day, thankyou. It's 10.30 on Sunday morning!


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...