Thursday, November 24, 2022

Foggy morning

Woke up to fog this morning, now all but burned off by the sun, still not too warm yet, but a promise of some nice weather this afternoon.

Quilting guild meeting tonight, the last until January.  We do have a dinner usually early January just after the New Year, so expect or hoping is a better word we can do it this holiday season.  Missed doing it for two years.  I have two quilts for show and tell, will take a couple of photo's and post them tomorrow.   

Not sure what we will have for dinner, sure to come up with some kind of nourishment later this afternoon.  Never know what to prepare these days, my heart is not in it and tired of the same food all the time.  Need to find some new recipes.

Have a great day.



  1. I'm sure your meals are appreciated, At least you have someone to cook for, I find it hard to motivate myself to cook just for me. Today I took a couple of sole fillets from the freezer and now can't be bothered cooking them!

  2. It is hard thinking of something to cook every night. Hubby does most of the cooking now. It keeps him busy!


They are coming out of hibernation

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