Sunday, November 13, 2022

Snow and nothing wrong with my blog....

Way, way too early for this white stuff, leaves are still on the trees for goodness sake. 

At the present time there is approximately 2 inches of the stuff on the ground, as always at this time of the year the ground is still quite warm so it won't last, I hope.  It is only 1*C outside, so a warmer coat, gloves and what ever else I need to keep me warm will be put on today when I go out.

As my title indicates there is nothing wrong with my blog, however, I am deleting some posts, I vented and at this point in time serve no other purpose.

Hubby is convinced he is dying, I can see no reason why he would think this but nothing will sway his thinking.   Big discussion this morning. 

I have been invited to have dinner with DD2 this evening, I am going, Hubby's son is going to sit with him while I am gone, as a couple of days ago Hubby almost fell and I would not feel like enjoying myself if he was here alone, even though I do believe he would be OK, he does not think that way.

To you I might sound as if I am selfish and not caring, I do care.

Have a great day.



  1. Pat, you are going through a rough time and deserve an evening out. I'm sure Hubby will be fine but it's nice that his son will be there for him. Enjoy your time with DD2 and family.

  2. It sounds as if things have hit home all of a sudden. He will be feeling pretty rough with the pneumonia as well. Hopefully he will perk up soon. You don't sound uncaring at all.

  3. I nursed my husband through a long difficult situation too Pat. You can't look after him if you aren't looking after yourself. Of course you aren't uncaring! I've pulled blog posts that my family took exception to, but I keep them in a personal archive.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...