Monday, November 28, 2022


Our internet has been down for four days, it appears to be an ongoing issue, must be due to the  age of the hardware used in this area.    Will do a post tomorrow.


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Foggy morning

Woke up to fog this morning, now all but burned off by the sun, still not too warm yet, but a promise of some nice weather this afternoon.

Quilting guild meeting tonight, the last until January.  We do have a dinner usually early January just after the New Year, so expect or hoping is a better word we can do it this holiday season.  Missed doing it for two years.  I have two quilts for show and tell, will take a couple of photo's and post them tomorrow.   

Not sure what we will have for dinner, sure to come up with some kind of nourishment later this afternoon.  Never know what to prepare these days, my heart is not in it and tired of the same food all the time.  Need to find some new recipes.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Another one

 Yes we have sunshine again, I am looking at it from inside today.

Because of my regular routine has not been followed for about two & half weeks, my system is all out of kilter.

Prunes, prunes and more prunes and over the counter meds, have been consumed, so hoping for movement soon in the right direction, if you get my meaning.  I know way way too much information.

Short again today, not much going on, so going to get another prune.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Before I could get my groceries this morning I had to scrape the frost off of my cars windows. The sun is now heating up the air a bit and the wind is not as strong as it has been in the past few days, so a better day.   

Wow! the prices of some things in the grocery store are getting higher and higher.  It makes we wonder if, we the general public are victims of stores taking advantage of us.   I know produce is going up due to issues with drought and disease in regions where they are grown, but I still wonder.  

We had to have a plumber do some repair work for us early this afternoon, now we can flush the toilet.   What did we do before indoor plumbing.  That out house was real cold on Winter days, and one did not linger for too long.    

Much Later:

I went to our local professional theatre performance tonight with a friend with whom I worked with years ago.  We have been going to the theatre for more years than I can remember.   On the bill tonight was ELF, I quite enjoyed it as well as some children in the audience.   The set sign and costumes are always well done and did not disappoint tonight.  It was quite a long performance for a lot of the little ones to sit through, I thought it should have started a little earlier than the 7:30 p.m.  

Cheers, I am off to bed.



Monday, November 21, 2022

What is that in the sky

 We can finally see that ball of fire in the sky, it certainly is welcome, even though it does not have much heat in it any more.   Temp today does not have the minus sign in front of it, that is good, however, the wind is still quite strong and has a bit to it, which make it feel a lot colder than it really is.

I have been on a mission for a week or more to get my senior strength flu shot, finally today I was able to get it, so will be protected somewhat for the flu bugs currently making their way around us at the present time.  

Not much else going on here today,  I am going to make my way into the sewing room for an hour or so when I have spoken to you.  

Have a great day.


Friday, November 18, 2022

Wish it would warm up

 Minus degrees at night, and not much warmer during the day.

I am not fond of this snow and cold temps this early, it makes for a long Winter.

Hubby still has pneumonia, three weeks into it now, Dr. says it could be 4 - 6 weeks before he is 100%, age is a big factor.

Not done much today, other than Dr. appointment and grabbing a few things from the grocery store.

Weary, both body and mind, however, I feel things are getting better after the talk with Dr.

Too late for me to hope everyone has a great day, well, maybe not for some readers down under.


Sunday, November 13, 2022

Snow and nothing wrong with my blog....

Way, way too early for this white stuff, leaves are still on the trees for goodness sake. 

At the present time there is approximately 2 inches of the stuff on the ground, as always at this time of the year the ground is still quite warm so it won't last, I hope.  It is only 1*C outside, so a warmer coat, gloves and what ever else I need to keep me warm will be put on today when I go out.

As my title indicates there is nothing wrong with my blog, however, I am deleting some posts, I vented and at this point in time serve no other purpose.

Hubby is convinced he is dying, I can see no reason why he would think this but nothing will sway his thinking.   Big discussion this morning. 

I have been invited to have dinner with DD2 this evening, I am going, Hubby's son is going to sit with him while I am gone, as a couple of days ago Hubby almost fell and I would not feel like enjoying myself if he was here alone, even though I do believe he would be OK, he does not think that way.

To you I might sound as if I am selfish and not caring, I do care.

Have a great day.


Friday, November 04, 2022

Missed posting yesterday

Foggy yesterday morning and it did not burn off until 11:30 a.m.  Then we had sunshine and a beautiful warm day.  I can take more of those.  It was a bit foggy again this morning, but cleared earlier than yesterday.

Hubby is still feeling under the weather, glad we have an appointment with the Dr. on Tuesday, but at the present time, that seems like a long way off.  

I helped pick up leaves today,  I drove the lawn tractor which picks up the leaves and then stop where Hubby is by the trailer.  He has been sitting down waiting for me to get there, and he takes the bags off and empties them.  They are just too heavy for me to lift and the sides of the trailer too high.  We no sooner clear off the estate and then you would not know we had done anything.  The brisk breeze is bringing them down fast but,  not many branches are showing on the trees, so we have a lot of work before us.   Six loads of leaves gone to the depot, I am sure we have twice that many yet to go.   Cannot leave them laying on the ground just too many of them and they will kill the grass.  I do love the smell of the leaves with the dew on them, when  they are just starting to decompose.  

The temp got up to 22*C today and  the same is forecast for tomorrow, with a 40% possibility of a shower.

Dinner tonight salmon. not sure what else yet.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Just as I asked, it's gone

 After several days of wet miserable weather, the skies cleared yesterday afternoon and we have sunshine for the next five days.  Warmer than normal temps too, I will take it.

The leaves have been falling fast and furious during the rain we had, Hubby is now outside picking them up with the lawn tractor.  I am hoping they are dry, as they are very heavy when wet and we have to unload the trailer, I find it hard to do.  This is the last Autumn I will be helping, can't do it any more.  

He is still in a quiet "mood", not sure what it causing it, health issues? not sure but hoping he will snap out of it soon.  At our age one has to expect health issues, my attitude is, try and correct it if possible, either with meds or other means and get on with life, there may not be many more years to do that.  Being miserable for days on end is not going to fix it.  Don't get me wrong it is worrying but, that does not help.  Talk about it.

I have been working on a baby quilt/play mat for the last few days, my own design, sewed it altogether and saw that I had placed two pieces of fabric in the wrong position.  Took it apart to fix and now have entirely changed the design.  Will work on it this afternoon, want to get it done so I can gift it before mid month.

Called the garage yesterday to change the tires on my car to the winter ones.  Hate having to do that for two reasons, the rims and hub caps are not the best looking things, certainly not like the summer ones, and second I will be prepared for the winter weather, snow, ice, slush and what ever is thrown at us until April.   

We put our clocks back this coming weekend, and my son posted a cartoon on FB which shows workers and a truck moving the stones back at Stonehenge to reflect the change in the hour.  Not funny to some, but  I thought it was.

Have no idea what we will have for dinner, this diabetic meal planning is not working for me.  Trying to prepare food Hubby should have, however, it does not seem to be satisfly8ing him, do not want him to loose weight again.   We have an appointment with Dr. next week, I am going with him and asking a lot of questions, hoping to get answers.  It is possible he may either have to take additional meds or even insulin.

Have a great day,


Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...