Thursday, February 29, 2024


 For several days we have had very unseasonal temperatures, yesterday morning was looking as if we would have another mild day with sunshine.  It stayed that way until noon when it changed, the wind started to blow and the temps dropped, clouded over and a light dusting of snow.   It was certainly a shock to the system having to get warm coats etc. out of the closet again.   This morning, there is a mixture of sun and cloud and it is still cold but, it will be changing again tomorrow to milder temps again.

Last night I went to a Jazz concert, every month there is a free concert, so certainly take advantage of that.  I was seated next to a woman who's husband was playing in the sextet on the stage.  During intermission our conversation turned to the music, of course, she plays the piano and her son is in university studying music, her daughter is also musically inclined.  It must be a very happy household with all the music going on when they all get together.  She also said, the sextet often practice in their basement, she is a grade three elementary school teacher, so she listens to them playing while doing work related to that job.

Tomorrow, I am going to be out of town for the weekend, going to Ottawa to visit two granddaughters.   Mum and Dad asked me if I wanted to go,  could not say no, could I.  Have not seen them since Christmas, so it will be nice to see them again.  Mum and Dad, will be making sure their fridge and  cupboards are full again, money is not too plentiful when you are in university.   I have mentioned in previous posts these two girls were adopted and other families who were in the same group, have get togethers when possible.  Most of these families live in the area of Ottawa, so a nice time to have an impromptu get together.  This one is not as organized as the big one they have in the summer, when all of the girls get together and decide where and what they want to do.  Every year for the past 26 years they have never done the same thing twice at the reunion.  When they were young mum's and dad's decided the activity which among other things included apple picking, face painting, swimming, zip lining, bowling, escape rooms and the list goes on, as they got older, shopping and some partying has taken place.  No idea what the plans would likely be this year, most of them are either working or still  taking some kind of education.  Sometimes just chilling is the best thing to do.   

It is a long drive, so will take some hand sewing with me to pass the time.  

Have a great day


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

It's time

 This morning, as I was browsing the blogs I follow, one showed a poem about snowdrops written by  Alfred, Lord Tennyson.  So, I thought it was time for my header to change from the snow photo to one I took several years ago of the snowdrops in the front garden of my house I was living in at the time.  It's a bit out of focus, but I like it just the same.  I am sure they are in bloom again now too.  The plant world is waking up.

For Christmas of 2022, I was given an amaryllis bulb.  I planted it in January last year and I had some lovely red blossoms which brightened up the dull days of winter,   When the weather was warm enough I planted it outside, and harvested it when I moved,  Just after Christmas 2023 I repotted it, as the instructions had said on the box.  I waited and waited, nothing happened.  One day last week I saw something that looked life a leaf sprouting out of the bulb.  Now, the sprout is about four inches high, however, it is not a leaf it is a flower bud.  It's about time.  Looking forward to a beautiful red flower in the days to come.

February is almost over and the hopes of weather to improve, however, we really have been fortunate this winter as it has been nothing like the winters we usually have. Hardly any snow and milder temps, mind you we have had some cold days and nights, but they didn't last.   Today, it is raining, and Oh!! my goodness thunder and lightening  right now as I am writing this.

No walk today by the looks of it.  It was lovely walking yesterday, wore a warm jacket not my winter down filled coat.  The weekend is looking sunny, happy about that as I am going to visit two granddaughters, who I have not seen since Christmas.

Best get out of here get some things done.

Have a great day


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Six months

At the end of this month, it will be six months since I have been in my apartment.  How is that possible!  

It took me two years to definitely decide to remove myself from the situation I was in, those two years dragged by.  As the saying goes, slower than molasses in January.  Then, September of 2023 finally arrived and I was packed and ready to go.  

Starting a new life at 82 years old was not easy, I had a lot of support from family, which made it possible.  It was not only the physical move which was difficult to decide to do, it also was the emotional and mental move that needed to take place.   At times, I thought, what am I doing? the right thing? is this what I need to do?  Have I regretted moving, no, absolutely not.  

I am in control of my life.  Hopefully I have a few more years on this earth, doing what I want and when I want.  My bank account is not as flush as it was,  --but--  being successful in life to me is not the dollars  you have gathering dust in stocks and bonds, being  "The King, was in his counting house" as the rhyme goes, it's using those dollars to live a life of  being happy with family and friends to do things with. It's going on adventures near and far. It's helping other people with whatever you can do for them.  Having french fries and ice cream once in awhile when you really should not indulge.  Those gin and tonics go down very well too, medicinal, of course,  (Smiles)   I am now doing all those things.  

We have only one, just one chance to live this life and I intend to be as happy as I can while doing it.  I am so very fortunate to be as healthy as I am which is a definite plus, unfortunately there are too many people who are not as lucky.  

The sky today is a beautiful blue, it's crisp and cold -7*C but the sun is shining, it may warm up a bit later in the day.  We may be nearing the end of Winter, however, March can be brutal with everything Mother Nature can conjure up.  The evenings are staying light a lot longer and in a couple of weeks we change the clocks.  

Last evening was the monthly pot luck dinner here in the building, again delicious food and friends.  St. Patrick's theme with shamrocks and green decorations on the tables.  I know, it's still February, we celebrate a month ahead, as St. P's day will be long gone by the end of March. 

Coffee is all gone, so better get moving.

Have a great day.



Wednesday, February 21, 2024

It's everywhere

 Yesterday, was a sewing day with my quilt guild.

I have mentioned previously we received a donation of fabric from one of our late members fabric stash, on the condition we make quilts for a charity.  She had a lot of fabric, as this is the second sewing day we have had using up tubs of brightly coloured cotton fabric.

As everyone sorts though it all, there is fabric everywhere, with each of us trying to co-ordinate a colourful design with something else, "is there enough of this" or "what do you think this will look like".  Then a laugh, "what on earth was R thinking about when she bought THIS".   The ugly duckling, so to speak,  always is looking OK when it's cut up and pieced.  

We had a productive day and lots of great conversation during lunch and throughout the day.

On the weekend I had a nice visit with my son, daughter in law, grandson and his family.  GGD baby "M", now has a personality, she is a happy little one of almost 7 months.  Mum has her on a strict schedule, I am sure not only for "M ' s"  benefit but for herself too.  GGD,"A" will soon by five years old,  and quite a little miss, who gets quite moody if nothing goes quite the way she wants it to.   A five year old teenager.

Hardly any snow on the ground, and temps up and down like the window blinds.  Rain possible later today, but right now we have some sunshine.  The plants in my window are loving it and sprouting new leaves.  

Have a great day


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Busy in the sewing room

 Several projects in progress under the needle and cutting board.  

A collage challenge is due at the March meeting, I had some difficulty trying to decide what to do with a butterfly collage I had finished.  It needed a companion, so that is done, then what are butterflies with out flowers, so that is what I worked on yesterday.   Also, dug into the stash and found fabric for part of the background.  A clear vision of the piece is now coming together.  

There are also two quilts which I am putting the binding on for the guild, these will be donated to a home for relocated people that did not have a permanent place to live.  There is also another for which I am waiting for blocks to come from members of the guild, so I can start putting that quilt together.

I did a couple of repair jobs for one of my neighbours a short while ago.  The word got around and now I have a simple table runner to make and possibly two chair cushions.  Keeping me busy and out of mischief.

The room now is looking as if a bomb has hit it, so some serious cleaning up will soon be the order of the day.

We had a light dusting of snow overnight and there are still a few flakes falling.  The sky is grey but, does not look as if it is full of a lot more snow.  It is a bit colder, but still not as bad as I have experienced in past February's.

Yesterday was my only grandson's birthday, how did he get to be over 30 years old already.  Next month is a busy B-day month for me, with three in the matter of a week, every month thereafter there is a family member or two's birthday.  The little ones get a gift, others cards.  Yes, I still send cards, do you?

Happy Valentines day to all, if you celebrate with a significant other, I hope you are spoiled.

Have a great day


Thursday, February 08, 2024


 Every day I go for a 3 km walk on the trail just  few steps from my apartment.  It is all paved, so no mud to contend with, and during snowy winter conditions it is well maintained to remove the ice and snow, so it is a great place to walk knowing there are no slippery sections.   Not to worry about what is under foot today.  What a beautiful day to take in some fresh air.

So records, what records --- There were pussy willows open on a tree I walked by, a motor cycle was roaring down a nearby street, I bet that bike hasn't been out this early in the year.   I took my gloves off as it was so warm on my return trip as I had the south wind and the sun on my back.  Was tempted to undo my jacket but, thought better of it.  While watching the evening news, the area I live in set a record high temp for Feb. 8th.  going up to 10.7*C, tomorrow is forecast to be warmer, however, so rain  is also expected.  Also, on the news was a local golf course, where the grounds keepers had been rolling the tees to get rid of any lumps or bumps and the course was fully booked for golfers to pay today.  One man they interviewed said he was skiing two days ago at a local ski club, they make their own snow at night.  And, then he was golfing today.   The groundhog was right---an early spring.  I don't think so, it can all change in the blink of any eye, when we get s north wind bringing in cold temps and snow. 

It all sounds too good to be true, however, we all know the reasons for the changing weather patterns, and it is not good.

Rejuvenated from my walk and the fresh air, I started working on two projects for our guild.  One is a name tag, the program myself and another member did was quite a lot of fun and hope some of the "girls" will pursue the fabric painting, which we did for the name tags.  Then I worked on the collage challenge project also for the guild.  I want to make mine into s wall hanging, as I have a perfect spot to hang it when it is completed.

Getting my hair cut tomorrow  as I am beginning to look a bit unkept, I will ask her to take a bit more off on one area, so it looks tidier for a little longer than it has.

Have a great day


Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Have to change

During the dark grey days of winter, when it gets dark early in the evening and the sun doesn't decide to get up until late in the morning, and then it never is seen because of the clouds, I tend to hibernate.  Going to bed late after watching some TV and as a result getting up late.  Time to make some changes.

Yes, it is time for a change, no more slacking off, must get moving, getting in the bed earlier and greeting a new day before 7:45 a.m.   I am not a person who opens my eyes and immediately jumps out of bed and gets moving, I need to take things s bit slower.  

What times do you go to bed and get up in the morning?

Tomorrow is my guilds February meeting so needed to get my block done for the charity quilt we make each month.  So I did that yesterday.  The colours chosen, by myself and another member, (we are in charge of the meeting and program this month) are lime green, black and white.  We also have some new members, so decided the activity will be making our name tags.  In the past they have not been needed as the membership never changed.  Unfortunately, we loose members for various reasons, and  new people join to fill those empty spaces.  I know how hard it is to remember names, so we thought this would be a good idea.  

The tulips my DD2 gave me for January are now past their prime and will be taken out of the vase and in the garbage they go.  I do have house plants, that seem to be lovely the light coming in the windows, will have to give them some fertilizer soon.  When the days warm up two of them will go outside on the balcony as they have done in past years.

Last night it was trivia night here in the building, so I went again, just to see how much I didn't know.  Our team did not win, we came in second, but I did contribute some right answers.  Nothing is taken seriously, just a bit of fun, so don't mind going once a month as it is a good chance to get to know some people.  

Have a great day


Sunday, February 04, 2024

It's here again

 Is it February, very unusual for our weather to be so mild at this time of the year.   Usually we are in a deep freeze, with lots of snow on the ground.  There is not a flake on snow on the ground which  could cause some damage to the plants that normally would be insulated against the cold temperatures with a covering of snow.  Could it be global warming or just a cycle in the weather pattern.  It makes me wonder, as on the nightly weather forecast they give the record high and low temperatures for the same day in years gone by.

Looking out the window early this morning, there was frost on the roof tops, the sun has some heat in it, now it is all gone.  The forecast for today, wall to wall sunshine and very little wind, a perfect day for February.  The sun sets later every day, (by just a minute or two), but even with that short period of time the minutes add up, so hopefully by the end of February, we should see daylight right up until six o'clock.  

Yesterday, my youngest GD had to do another cross country flight with the aviation courses she is taking.  I was able to watch her on a flight tracking program on my DD2's phone.  We could see where she had flown, her current location and the direction she was travelling.  Also,  what altitude and speed she was doing.  I still can't believe she is doing this.  Today, she was also going to fly here to the city DD2 and I live in, however, cloud cover cancelled that trip.  Disappointed, yes, however, there will be other days when she will be able to fly here.

Have a great day.


Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...