Sunday, June 11, 2023

Will we or won't we

We have had a forecast of rain, I will believe it when I see it.  Looks as if we had a few drops prior to us getting up, it is still cloudy so there is always the possibility more will come.   

We visited my partners sister yesterday as it was a nice day for a drive in the convertible.  Sister "A" has not been well, having a nap when we arrived but, we were able to visit later in the afternoon.    The sun has been covered by haze from the smoke so when it began it set there was very little heat left in the air and a sweater was needed for the last portion of our return home.  Stopped for dinner and I had a delicious Cobb salad, must make one of those at home for myself.

Laundry being done today, as yesterday I had a hair appointment and then we were out for the rest of the day.  

Not sure what I will be doing for the balance of the day.  Should think about what we will have for dinner with a BBQ'd steak.  

Tomorrow we go for a driving test for 80 year olds, it should be a breeze to get through as I have mentioned previously I think it is a farce.  The test, I understand is to see if applicants have the first signs of dementia,  which is a good thing, however, the test should also test reflexes to driving situations which require immediate responses. 

Have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. We had rain for a couple of hours this morning but not enough to give things a good soaking. I agree about the driving test. There were people at my session who should definitely not be driving!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...