Thursday, June 01, 2023


Our Tv service is still not working as it should, because the techie forgot to close the work order, it could be done tonight.  Not holding my breath.  I had to  ask two of the reps who answered the phone to forward me to someone else as I could not understand a word they were saying.  I tried not to offend them by choosing my words very carefully.  On the phone for almost an hour, suhk a waste of theirs and my time.

We are still in the midst of a heat wave, record temps today our thermometer registered 32*C,   A/C on as it is no uncomfortable.

had a lovely lunch with J and V   a good natter, and we set the world right as we always do when we get together.  The first Thursday in July is our next "date". 

The bugs are out in full force, mosquitoes eat me alive, I have red bumps on my arms and legs.  DD1 gave me a net hat and jacket, must dig them out when out watering the plants.  We have given up on the lawn, it will be revived when we get rain, should say "if" we get rain.    When travelling to meet the girls today farmers were working in the fields and you could not see them for dust.

Running out of power gotta go.

Have a great day. 


1 comment:

  1. I get so annoyed when I can't understand what people are saying! It sounds like you were very polite! I'm not really. As for mozzies, yep, they love me too. Luckily we have not had too many during our summers here in Hamilton. We do use those automatic bug spray thingees, that emit a spray every minute or so, day and night, that keeps them at bay usually. Inside the house that is.


The world of white

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