Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Been AWOL for a few days.

DD1 has rented a cottage for this week on the shore of one of our great lakes.  We had some firewood  for her so on Sunday, we visited her for the day and made our delivery.   Her grandchildren arrived, they are staying for the week also, so we stay for dinner, then went to the beach as the kids were just itching to get into the water.  It was freezing cold but, they did not mind.   When we left the skies were getting dark with the threat of some nasty weather which was forecast.   Ran into a downpour where we could not see to drive, lasted a short while, however, lightening and thunder followed us all the way back to the city.

Yesterday, the smoke from the forest fires was terrible, difficult to breath and smelt awful, a smell which is hard to describe.   I can't imagine how the people living closer to the fires are able to cope, some have had to be evacuated not due to the fire threatening them, but from the smoke.

The air is better in this city today, however, my sister said it was bad where she lives some 65 kms from me.  Her eyes were burning and she stayed in the house due to COPD.

We went for our walk this morning and did some gardening this afternoon, some plants needed to get in the ground, it's a bit late but, the ground has been so hard to dig and I knew they would not survive in soil like that.

Dinner tonight, BBQ'd burger, potato salad, lettuce salad, strawberry shortcake for dessert.

Later I think it is going to be a G & T  evening.

Have a great day.



  1. Sounds like a busy few days. Lovely to see the great-grands, I'm sure! Enjoy your G&T.

  2. Those fires and ensuing smoke must be so horrible! We have heard about them way down here!


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...