Saturday, June 24, 2023

Busy, busy

The first part of the past week was just ho hum, however, starting Thursday, I have been out and about.


The quilting guild I belong to had our potluck B.B.Q. end of season meeting.  One of our members has a beautiful back garden and we are always invited to hold our dinner there. The weather co-operated and so did the bugs.  Food was delicious and we had a great meeting afterwards.  We start up with our meetings in September and they will be in the afternoon instead of the evening.  


I visited my sister had not seen her since we had her birthday lunch mid May.   She gave me newspaper clippings and documents to take copies of, so I can give them to my cousin in the UK when we visit next month.  Nice visit then on the way home we stopped for dinner and I had a Cobb salad.  Yum.

Today Saturday:

Not so exciting, laundry, walk, and some gardening, until my neck started to give me issues, now I know when to stop, in the past I didn't stop, learnt the hard way.

Tomorrow Sunday:

DD1 is renting a cottage for a week and we have some firewood to give to her so when her grands visit they can cook hot dogs and marshmallows over the campfire.  We will not be going swimming in the lake as the temp is not going up higher enough for me to do that.  More than likely stay for a meal, so another day all taken care of.

We have had showers for the past couple of day, however, we have been lucky to not get wet during our walks.  Clouds at the present time look as if they are full, so expect some more overnight.

Just winding down after dinner, do not intend on doing anything more today.

Have a great evening/day.



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