Monday, January 27, 2025

A new week

Monday, and the start of the final week of January, where did all those days go.   

Usually I find January to be dragging on very slow,  even with the grey skies, bitter cold temps and early evenings, it has gone by faster than I can remember.    Maybe, the positive frame of mind helped.   Doing things that I want to do, when I want to do them.  Doing some ME time.

Yesterday, was a beautiful sunny day, cold with a brisk wind and the sky this morning is even a brighter blue than yesterday, again the wind is blowing.  Forecast for later this week is temps above the average, with possible snow/rain mix.  

 Yoga this morning, crafty/chat this afternoon, both here in the activity room upstairs, after that I will be in my sewing room to work on the peacock piece I am doing and also getting the fabric prepared for the block required at our February meeting.  There is always some dusting etc. to be done, so another busy day ahead.

Have a great day


Friday, January 24, 2025

Friendly Afternoon

 For the past few days we have had very, very cold temps, almost too cold for it to snow.   The weather now is certainly not as cold as it was, so we had another dusting of snow yesterday.

Myself and two quilting friends meet up about once a month and either do something quilty or go and look at quilt shops and drool over all of the fabric lining the walls and some times we walk out purchases.  Always, ending the day with lunch or coffee and something sweet.

Yesterday was one of those days and another friend joined us to.  Two bins of fabric had been donated to our group which had to be sorted for our guilds sewing day in February.   Sitting on the floor trying to co ordinate the colours and decide if there was a sufficient amount to make a small quilt took us a couple of hours.  We were successful in making 17 bundles of fabric to distribute to the members that are able to attend the sewing day.

This may not sound like a very interesting afternoon for some, but when quilting and fabric is your main ingredient for a hobby,  and you are with friends of like mind, I had a nice afternoon.  Ending our day with tea and cake, along with conversation to put the world right. 

As I mentioned the snow started just as we were getting ready to leave, not enough to cover the roads yet, so it was a good drive home.

Today, yoga this morning, shower and then need to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things,  do a little more on the fabric peacock picture I am currently doing and then this evening happy hour upstairs in the community room.

Have a great day


Monday, January 20, 2025

COLD --------- and------- NEWSPAPER

Today is bitterly cold due to the Polar Vortex in this area, and it is suppose to be the same until Wednesday when it is suppose to warm up somewhat.

Daytime temperature at 2:30 p.m. is -13 *C with the wind blowing it feels more like -22*C.   Low for tonight is forecast to be -18*C and it will feel much colder if there is a wind blowing.  Tuesday night  is forecast to be -22*C.  The only consolation today, is the sun is shining and I do not need to go out.  

Buildings in the city are being opened as warming stations for people who need to get in out of the cold for a period of time.

I saw something FB today that I never knew before--- do you know this?

NEWSPAPER===== North, East, West, South, Past and Present Event Report.

I joined the Yoga group in the upstairs event room this morning, I thought I was quite fit enough for the bending and stretching---wrong.   It is held every morning in the week, however, this week I will be going every other day, likely because I will not be able to move due to the muscles crying out for help.

Also, attended a  coffee, tea, chat, sew and knit group this afternoon in the same room.  It was just a one time happening, and it was interesting to see what some of the people do here in their spare time.

I recorded the Trump today, I will watch it this evening, so that I can skip through all the portions of it that are of no interest to me.

Have a great day



Saturday, January 18, 2025

Grey and wet

Just as the forecast predicted, we have rain for the time being, later today it is to changed into snow.  

I am hoping the weather will not hamper my trip to the theatre with a friend tomorrow.   The snow removal equipment is usually out early to take care of the roads,  Time will tell.

Happy hour last night upstairs,  it is usually the same group of people from the building who attend.  Lots of chatter and laughs.  

Not going anywhere today, so will get in my sewing room as soon as the bit of tidying, dishes and the bathroom clean is done.

Jumped, .... I don't jump, should have wrote stepped on the scales this morning.  Happy with the number that came up on the little screen,  three pounds since the new year.  I am not on a diet as such, just using smaller servings of healthy food with no grease or lots of sugar.  Also, including more exercise and walking.  On Monday I am going to join the Yoga class which is held everyday of the week in the community room upstairs.  Will also try and get as much walking in as I can depending on the weather.  I could go to our local arena, however, nothing compares to a nice walk outside in the fresh air.

Have a great day


Friday, January 17, 2025

Dollar Store

There are some things I buy at the Dollar Stores we have here.  I don't know why they are called Dollar stores as very little, if anything is sold for the "Loony" (a nickname for our one dollar coin, it has the imprint of a loon on it).  A loon is a water bird here in Canada.  

Several years ago everything in those store you could buy for the dollar, then Covid came and since then prices of everything have gone up even in these stores.

While wandering around after I had picked up what I wanted, I saw in one aisle, on both sides, Valentine decorations, every and anything red.  It's only a month away, so thought that was acceptable.  On to the next aisle, Easter stuff, all those pretty colours of pale yellow, green, blue, pink and mauve. Two months from now, I guess I can live with that.   Another aisle, gardening things that cannot be used outside until the beginning of May.    Is it only me, that thinks all of these things are being displayed a little too early, or am I just getting too old for all of this stuff.  I am thinking the latter.

We have some sunshine today, possibly some rain tomorrow and then on Sunday a Polar Vortex is going to bring temps down which are being forecast as the coldest for the month.

Washed my car yesterday, it was an awful mess.  The roads have had a lot of wet and slushy spots on them, which also contains the sand and salt to melt the snow, neither of which are good for vehicles.    

Have a great day.


Tuesday, January 14, 2025


The weather promised to be good for the drive, the roads were clear and dry, so off I went for some retail therapy.

Recently I saw one clothing chain was closing, and huge discounts were going to be available until January 17.  Being a Monday I had hoped the mall where I had to go would not be too busy. There were hardly any people in the mall.  Bonus, as I do  not like shopping when there are crowds of people wandering around the stores.   

This particular chain, has two stores,  each having a different name, found the first one and purchased a lovely grey cardigan, with an 80% discount.   Looked at the directory for the second one and off I went.  Not much to choose from in this one, so suspect some of the product has been sent over to the first one as it was not far from a huge chain store, which would promote more traffic.  Left with nothing in my bag.   Wandered around for awhile, and noticed all of the stores had significant discounts notices plastered on the windows.  Stopped at another and purchased I nice little top, one for some warmer weather.   In the Spring I will be going on a short vacation on which a bathing suit will be required. I have not had one for a few years, so looked in one store and they had some nice ones that would cover all that was necessary.  Not the ones with little strings that leave nothing to the imagination.   In March I will go back and purchase one,  not the ones with the little strings.  LOL

Decided to go into "W", and walked right back out again, that is where all the people were.  I didn't really need anything there, just a wander around, as I do.   It was getting late in the afternoon, and wanted to get home before it got dark, so headed for the doors.   It was snowing, so much so I needed to brush off the accumulated amount from the windows.

The roads were wet and some spots were covered with a thin layer of snow which was blown over the open fields,  the traffic was light, so not a bad trip home.

Have a great day


Friday, January 10, 2025

They are still in the front closet

 We have again avoided all the snow which has fallen north of where I live.   Living in the south, (S. W. Ontario) does have it's perks.  Don't jinks it by writing that.  My winter boots have not been worn so far this Winter.  Don't jinks it by writing that.

Wednesday was a meeting with my quilting guild, the first one for 2025.   One of the other members and I were the two who took care of providing an activity for the group and supplied the snack.   It was a nice couple of hours chatting about all of the coming and goings of the members during the holiday season.  There were several projects for show and tell, I had nothing to contribute to this portion of the meeting.

My living room is a mini greenhouse at the moment.  Two plants given to me for Christmas along with the amaryllis which now looks as if it will have a flower and the Christmas cactus is still looking great,  There is also a couple of plants inside for the Winter, Springtime will see them outside on the balcony.   

Had my hair trimmed yesterday, I was beginning to look a bit shaggy around the ears.  My hair has absolutely no curl so once it starts to get longer than I like it, it just hangs flat.  Just like everything else at the present time the price of that went up too. 

Prices!!  saw on FB this morning where the cost of buying stamps will be going up on Monday,  how true is that I don't know, but it would not surprise me at all that it is something that is happening.  

Need to go to the grocery store sometime today, for some milk, butter is on special too,  I don't use a lot but it is nice to have an extra pound in the freezer.  I always buy things I use if they are on sale and can be stored for a period of time. 

Better get moving.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, January 08, 2025

We have escaped it once again

The "We" is the city in which I live, which is closer to Lake Erie than the city that I moved from last year. 

What did we escape?  That white stuff....snow.  The city "L" received at least 22 cm of snow overnight and apparently at 9:30 a.m. it is still coming down, so people there will be digging several times today.  In looking at what people have wrote on FB there have been several accidents happening.  Some people never learn to drive in Winter weather.  The police always say " If you see snow, drive slow".  The plough's and salt and sanders will have a busy day today, and by the look of the forecast possibly for the balance of this week.

"L" always get more snow, as it is in line for the streamers full of snow, which are picked up from the winds blowing over the open waters of Lake Huron.  The wind picks up moisture in the air, the cold then changes it to snow and dumps it in it's path over the area.  

In "St. T" it looks as if we have had possibly 4 - 5cm of snow.  This snow is the fluffy kind, with flakes drifting down, just like they should.  No wind today, so there will be no drifts, not in this area anyway.

My quilting meeting is this afternoon so it appears to be an OK drive, as the snow is going to taper off late this morning.  I don't mind driving in the Winter, however, it is the other people on the roads I don't like to see driving as if there is no tomorrow.

Have a great day


Saturday, January 04, 2025

Started my diary again for 2025

For many years I have wrote in a diary, just jotting down the weather, temps and what I did during the day.

My 2024 diary only had six months of information, as I did not take it with me when I went on vacation, because I normally write a travel diary which has a lot more interesting information in it.  The accident I had did not allow me to even think about writing everything that was happening to me.   By the time arrived home, I was in not well enough to start the month of July, and then it wore on to August and then  just couldn't  get motivated for the rest of the year.

2025 is a new year, so started up again writing all the not so interesting things I do every day.  It does however, let me look back to see what I did or did not do during the days, weeks or months.

Just before I go to bed I sit down and enter the information.

Yesterday, was a busy day for me again. I'm getting to like these days of hustle and bustle.  So what kept be busy on Friday.   Out for lunch with two friends from my quilting guild, we tried  a new cafe none of us have been to before.  It received a "A" rating from all of us.  I had a steaming bowl of cauliflower and cheese soup,  so did P, D had a wrap which she enjoyed.  We did a lot of chatting and put the world to right and was not rushed out of the cafe as soon as our food was eaten.   It will be a place to go back to again.  

We then went to the local hospital and browsed in their gift shop.  It is operated as a fund raiser for the hospital and manned by volunteers.  This shop has a wide selection of gifts for patients or for people like us going in to look to see what they have.  Most of the Winter clothing they had was on sale, I saw a very nice sweater, did not buy it as I could not try it on, as I had two layers of clothing on under my coat which would have made it difficult.  I will be going back on Monday and hope it is still there.

A nice day was had by all.

I had received an invitation for dinner with friends, so once home I changed and was on my way.   Wine with appetizers, chicken kababs, baked potato, carrots and salad and more wine.  We then retired to the living room for dessert and coffee.  More wine and conversation.   I had a lovely time, getting home and in bed, late again.

It is a cold windy day again today, temp as I write this at 12:00 noon is -6*C,  we did not get any of the snow that the forecast indicated, further north did get it once again.

Christmas decorations are being taken down today, and returned to the locker until time to put them up again in December.   Now that our postal workers are now back to work I am receiving some of the Christmas cards stuck in the system for four weeks.  I am now going to be sending a note back to everyone, in lieu of cards.

Have a great day



Friday, January 03, 2025

So nice to slow down-- Or am I

The Christmas season was very busy for me, travelling to DD1 and her family of 11 people both big and small, for the 25th, so you can imagine the excitement when it was time for opening gifts.  All five children are well behaved and helped set the table with the food and helped clean up afterwards and do the dishes.  Mum is raising them the right way.  Then I prepared dinner for a visit from DD2 and her family of 4 and a boyfriend on the 26th.   On the 27th I visited GS and family to exchange gifts, then lunch with my son and daughter in law, then had dinner with a GD as she will be in Ottawa for her birthday January 25th.   On Dec. 28th I visited my sister and had a lovely visit, tea and cake and put the world to right.  On Tuesday, December 31st, GD and her five children made a surprise visit, it was nice to see them all again.  

In the evening of  the 31st. a group of resident's in the apartment building had a party to bring in 2025.  Karaoke,  dancing, games, a table full of nibbles of all kinds and of course, a drink or two.  I had a great time, the best New Years eve I have had in years, 

The weather co-operated for all of the travelling I had to do, not that I had to go too far, but at this time of the year we never know what it will be like from one hour to the next.  

Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your likes or dislikes of Winter weather, I had a green Christmas, even now today, January 3rd.  I only have a light dusting of snow from over night, which was added to a previous dusting from two days ago.

My living room looks like a greenhouse,  my Christmas cactus is full of the most beautiful pink flowers, DD2 gave me my final monthly flower arrangement from her Christmas gift of 2023, a poinsettia arrangement with three different plants in it, all different colours.  Two GD gave me a Peacock plant, (the common name), which I have not seen before.  During the day the leaves are spread and when it gets dark the leaves brunch up, like the peacocks tail thus the name.  Along with three other plants that will be going outside when the weather warms up in late Spring.  Having a garden is the thing I miss the most living in this apartment building, so these plants make me happy.

Must finish my coffee and get ready to get on the move again as I am going out to lunch with two friends.  Once home again, change my clothes and then out as I have been invited to have dinner with some friends.   

The weekend is going to be a time for me to pack up the Christmas decorations and finally get in my sewing room and start making another quilt, as a GD and her partner are expecting a little girl in May.  Number 8 great grandchild for me.  

Have a great day.



They are coming out of hibernation

 People, yes people are out and about.   It's not Spring yet, but the three sunny days we have just had are certainly making a spring in...