Sunday, April 26, 2020

Is it Spring.....OR not

I thought is was,yesterday, as we had a lovely day, blues skies and warm sun, temp. up to 17*C, today is another story.  Rain overnight and this morning, clouds and a cold wind is the order of the day.

On Friday it was my eldest great grand daughters 8th birthday, today is my youngest great grand daughters 1st birthday, no parties this year , at this point in time anyway, to celebrate either one.

Not a lot going on in my world today,  this is the end of the 6th week of self isolation for us.  We are in some kind of new routine now, just wish we could get outside in the garden to do some work, as there is a lot that needs to be done.   The lawn will need to be mowed within a couple of weeks I am sure.

Our neighbor to the south of us, Mr. T , is the laughing stock of the world, how he continues to think up these idiotic ideas I will never know.  The saddest thing is, so many people believe him, which could lead additional deaths, which the county cannot afford to have at this point in time.

Blog page still is the designing phase, bare with me.

We are well, as is our families, so hope anyone reading this is well also.

Stay home, Stay safe, Stay well.


  1. I'm sorry you live with such a moron as a 'leader'. I could add many more names to describe Mr T but that one sums it up pretty well.

    1. LOL... I thought you lived in the USA until I started reading the earlier post! Sorry about that.

    2. Our leader does a lot of talking but does not say very much, skirts around the issues. I was being nice when I called him "Mr T" I do have other name for him but should not place them here.


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...