Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Can't make up it's mind

The weatherman/woman (trying to be politically correct) forecast rain today, some areas had showers, however, we did not.  The afternoon brought sunshine and decent temps which allowed us to go in our short shirt sleeves.  Spring is definitely on it way.

Went to the grocery store shortly after 7:00 a.m.the time between 7 and 8 is designated to senior shoppers.  Only about four people were in the store, so it was not too difficult to keep a safe distance.  Products in the baking section were low, absolutely no yeast of any kind, mind you, I have no intention of baking my own bread, but obviously a lot of people are.

For dinner tonight we had chicken, asparagus and a salad and used up some fruit jello and some banana bread for dessert.

As I mentioned previously I sew quilts, the guild I belong to has a challenge every year, the photo below shows one I have done.  We were given 7 pieces of fabric each one was a different size, we had to use pieces of all the fabric, in any  project we wanted.  I did this wall hanging.
Thats all for me today,

Safe Safe, Stay Well, Stay Home.

1 comment:

The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...