Thursday, April 30, 2020

Mother Nature.....finally April Showers

Just in time too.  That is our weather for today, showers also during the night.  Lawn is growing and it is going to need a cut within the next couple of days. Hubby outside now making sure the mower is running OK.

The leaves are starting to show on the maple trees in our back garden and I have seen some squirrels at the top of the trees eating all of the tender shoots.  Fun to watch, hanging by the back legs and reaching to the end of the branches.   The chipmunk is now feeding on the seeds under the bird feeder, so he/she survived the Winter.   In the near future I will have to get the sugar water and feeder ready for the Baltimore Orioles  for their return.

Today, is a day to go into the sewing room I think.  I am working on a scrap quilt which is also finished.  Sewing 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" strips to make the boarder,  needing a lot of these, but getting there.
These quilts I gave to my three children and their spouses at Christmas 2017 

Stay Safe Stay Well Stay Home.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Granny Can't Visit

Today is one of my great grand daughter's 1st birthday, missing all of the cake and celebrations,  Happy Birthday, dear Vayda.   After  all of the self isolation is over I am going to throw a big party for all six of my great grand children, because I am going to miss all of them except one who had a b-day in October.  Also have a grand daughter who will be 18 in early June, have a feeling that will not happen either.

Showers today, hopefully bringing all of those May flowers in my garden.  A good day to do some sewing.might be a miss also.  One thing to be thankful for is, they are all well.

This quilt is the one I made for the birthday girl, Vayda, last year when she was born.  It is a one block wonder made from a Winnie The Pooh fabric.  Put some blocks in to filled in the quilt to the size I wanted.  Liked the way it turn out.

Finishing this post,  things are getting brighter outside, maybe we will see some sun today after all..

Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Home

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Can't make up it's mind

The weatherman/woman (trying to be politically correct) forecast rain today, some areas had showers, however, we did not.  The afternoon brought sunshine and decent temps which allowed us to go in our short shirt sleeves.  Spring is definitely on it way.

Went to the grocery store shortly after 7:00 a.m.the time between 7 and 8 is designated to senior shoppers.  Only about four people were in the store, so it was not too difficult to keep a safe distance.  Products in the baking section were low, absolutely no yeast of any kind, mind you, I have no intention of baking my own bread, but obviously a lot of people are.

For dinner tonight we had chicken, asparagus and a salad and used up some fruit jello and some banana bread for dessert.

As I mentioned previously I sew quilts, the guild I belong to has a challenge every year, the photo below shows one I have done.  We were given 7 pieces of fabric each one was a different size, we had to use pieces of all the fabric, in any  project we wanted.  I did this wall hanging.
Thats all for me today,

Safe Safe, Stay Well, Stay Home.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Marvelous Monday

That describes today, we have beautiful blue skies and warm sunshine.  Still cool but it is promising to be warmer,

In a previous post I said I was a quilter, love making quilts for family, also like the designing side of the quilting process.  Below I am showing a photo of my late Mother and the quilted portrait that I made from this photo.

This is the photo taken when she was 101 years old. 
This is the quilted portrait.
I am pleased with the result, however, now see some things that I would change, or at least be aware of, if I did another portrait of another person.

That's me for today, heading outside to soak up some of those rays.

Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Home.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Is it Spring.....OR not

I thought is was,yesterday, as we had a lovely day, blues skies and warm sun, temp. up to 17*C, today is another story.  Rain overnight and this morning, clouds and a cold wind is the order of the day.

On Friday it was my eldest great grand daughters 8th birthday, today is my youngest great grand daughters 1st birthday, no parties this year , at this point in time anyway, to celebrate either one.

Not a lot going on in my world today,  this is the end of the 6th week of self isolation for us.  We are in some kind of new routine now, just wish we could get outside in the garden to do some work, as there is a lot that needs to be done.   The lawn will need to be mowed within a couple of weeks I am sure.

Our neighbor to the south of us, Mr. T , is the laughing stock of the world, how he continues to think up these idiotic ideas I will never know.  The saddest thing is, so many people believe him, which could lead additional deaths, which the county cannot afford to have at this point in time.

Blog page still is the designing phase, bare with me.

We are well, as is our families, so hope anyone reading this is well also.

Stay home, Stay safe, Stay well.

Friday, April 24, 2020


to my new blog, I live in a city in the S.W. part of the Province of Ontario, Canada.  I was born is Sussex UK, and immigrated with my parents and sister in 1954.  Have been back several times, and I still write to two school friends, one snail mail and the other e-mail. 

I have three grown children, a son and two daughters, all of whom are married.  These three unions have given me five grand daughters and one grand son.  They in turn have given me four great grand daughters and two great grand sons.  Happy to say all are healthy and happy.

I have been a widow for ten years, however, have met a wonderful man who I have been living with for five years.

As the rest of the world, we have been in self isolation, for us this is the end of the sixth week, and from all news reports we are receiving, this is going to be our situation for a long time.   My hubby,  usually works in an essential service, however, because of his age and his Dr's recommendation he is off work for an indefinite period of time.(He would be meeting a number of elderly people, all of which have a medial issue of some kind)  Just between you and me I hope it will be permanent, he certainly does not need the money nor the frustration, he should be taking things easy at this time of his life.

Today was a cloudy day with the sun trying very hard to break through but not very successful, the temp did reach 15*C which is a lot warmer than yesterday's 4*C with miserable rain.  The balcony on our house needs to be repaired so that we can enjoy sitting out there during the Summer, however, because of COVID-19 we cannot hire anyone to do it, so we are doing it ourselves.  Needless to say, two 78 year olds do not do too much work during the day, and along with some cold and wet weather recently the job is taking longer than we would have hoped.  Anyway, we keep plodding along.   

I am anxious to get into the garden and get some work done, however, it is too early in the season to do anything, only pull the weeds that always seem to grow no matter what the weather is.  The daffodils and forsythia are at their peak right now, so some lovely colour in the garden.

I am a quilter, belonging to a guild for 14 years, as a group we make "comfort quilts" for chemo patients in a local hospital.  All my family have received one of my creations, except for one and hers is under the sewing machine at the present time.  All of my grandchildren received one for their 18th birthday and this grand daughter will be 18 in June.  I also enjoy designing and making wall hangings.  This post is getting quite long, so will show some in the future. 

Hope you enjoy reading what is happening in my piece of earth,
Stay home, stay safe, stay well.

Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...