Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Not the update

Got groceries yesterday morning at our usual grocery store.  

Was able to secure a grocery cart, or trolly as some countries call them.  The one in this store were downsized to a smaller version some time ago, which was a blessing and a curse. The blessing, so much easier to handle in this small store.   As we were checking out, a woman asked if she could use our cart as there were none available in the coral outside or in the store.   The curse, the cashier advised us, the store only has eight (8) carts, for use at the present time.  They did have 80 carts until recently,  Why??Where did they go??  Stolen, so much easier to handle than the big ones they had,  just load up a truck and be sold to another store in a larger city or sent to a recycle to cash in for the metal.   

What is this world coming to?

There are many reasons, which I had listed here and then deleted. Some of the things I wrote would have upset so many people.  

So, now all I have to say is, a lot of people have no respect for anything or anyone these days.   

Nice sunny day, a completely different  one from yesterday, we had heavy rain from morning 'til night.

Have a great day


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