Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Weekend reveal

 Yes, sometime on the weekend I will give you a my news, 

Getting married----no

Pregnant ----- no it's impossible

New car-------no

Face lift------no it's sunk too far for that

Tummy tuck-------no, really don't need that

Keep on guessing.

The young man that lives on and off next door is a pilot for a well known airline and he is a stunt pilot.

Today he is doing an air show,  with his stunt plane and he asked if I would be intereted in going.  Of course, I wanted to see what this young fellow does with his plane.  Complimentary tickets for parking and show and first class treatment.

He really knows what he is doing and did a fantastic show, some of the loops and inverted flight scared me quite a lot.  Holding my breath and hoping he would pull up before something happened, and of course he did.   Came over to where I was standing with such a huge smile on his face ,you could see how much he enjoys doing this.   Flying with him in an airline cockpit, I would be just as comfortable as I am sitting here writing this.   Such a wonderful young man.

It was cold, very cold for the end of the month of August.  Hot soup was on the menu for dinner.

Have a wonderful day.


Sunday, August 27, 2023

Tick, Tick, Tick

The clock is winding down.  

We have a nice sunny day, hope it warms up a bit though, quite cool for the normal end of August weather. 

One of my co-quilters and I are deciding on a challenge for our group tomorrow, looking forward to the final idea we come up with.  Then on we start up our monthly meetings in September.  This year, we have decided to have our meetings during the day, as winter weather can be so iffy for some of the members to travel in the dark later in the evenings while returning home.

My block for the September meeting is finished and has been sitting there waiting for the meetings to start again after a busy Summer of vacations etc.

Have a great day


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Lunch and baby

 Yesterday I had a lovely lunch with two friends.  We had good natter and put the world to right, and the gin went down very well too.  The restaurant we went to is  smack dab in the middle of the construction zone which is taking place on the main street of the city.  Climbing over mounds of sandy soil, trying avoid the deep pits and the huge trucks dumping more sand was a bit difficult wearing the sandles I decided to wear.  There was a very kind worker who trod down some of the bigger piles of sand and also made sure the truck did not move so I could reach my destination.  

 Then I made my way to visit my newest great granddaughter.  Such a sweety, so small,  even though she weighed 8 lbs when she was born, one forgets how tiny new babies are.  Big sister is not too impressed, now the novelty of a baby sister has worn off and her nose is a bit out of joint as little sister requires a good deal of attention that she was getting.  Big sister still goes to daycare during the week, however, that is a blessing and a curse, she is with her friends, however, when she comes home she wants attention from Mum and Dad as she use to. She will soon she will be off to school,  and little sister will be older so the situation should improve.   

My sister went searching for a dress to wear to her granddaughters\'s wedding in October, did not have much in finding anything she liked, so another trip to search will have to be made.  

I am still busy doing what I need to do.

Have a great day.


Sunday, August 20, 2023

State of mind

 My present state of mind switches from good too not so good.  Weary, tired, exhausted, you name it that is where I am at, at the present time.  I know it is going to improve, to be honest that time can't come too soon.

On the plus side I am accomplishing things, the sun is shining and it is warm, a big difference that a couple of days ago when the weather was quite cool.  It's Summer Mother Nature.

My DD2 and SIL will be helping with something this afternoon, so looking forward to the result of their labours.  

Home made burgers on the BBQ and a salad for dinner.

Have a great day.


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Still no update,

I promise it will be happening soon, now is not a good time.

Still very busy.

Going to visit a Granddaughter this evening, she is coming from Ottawa, as she is going to be in a wedding party in October and this weekend is the bridal get away for all of the attendants and bride.  On Monday she returns to university, so this is this only evening to see her.

My youngest Granddaughter will be returning from Iqaluit as her co-op contract is expiring in a couple of weeks, she then will be starting her 3rd year at college for pilot training.

Then in a couple or so weeks all the great grands, but one, will be heading back to school.  Back to school sales are in full swing in the stores.

Time to get some dinner.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Not the update

Got groceries yesterday morning at our usual grocery store.  

Was able to secure a grocery cart, or trolly as some countries call them.  The one in this store were downsized to a smaller version some time ago, which was a blessing and a curse. The blessing, so much easier to handle in this small store.   As we were checking out, a woman asked if she could use our cart as there were none available in the coral outside or in the store.   The curse, the cashier advised us, the store only has eight (8) carts, for use at the present time.  They did have 80 carts until recently,  Why??Where did they go??  Stolen, so much easier to handle than the big ones they had,  just load up a truck and be sold to another store in a larger city or sent to a recycle to cash in for the metal.   

What is this world coming to?

There are many reasons, which I had listed here and then deleted. Some of the things I wrote would have upset so many people.  

So, now all I have to say is, a lot of people have no respect for anything or anyone these days.   

Nice sunny day, a completely different  one from yesterday, we had heavy rain from morning 'til night.

Have a great day


Thursday, August 10, 2023

I am still here

 Soon, I will enlighten you on why posts are very sporadic at the present time.

I am not ill or in jail,  (ha ha,)  

Just know I am fine. 


Have a great day.


Saturday, August 05, 2023

Things not going so well

 I will not be posting anything for awhile, I am not ill, just the opposite I am feel good, as changes are happening.

In past posts I have indicated I was down, feel blue, the colours have now changed somewhat and soon will be a sunny yellow and I will be feeling so much better.

Just wish me luck for the busy days I have ahead of me.

Again, I am fine, so worries.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Home from vacation

I returned today from a lovely vacation in Scotland.   My son and D I L invited me and my partner to join them on this trip.  He arranged everything, flights, accommodations,  touring around and interesting slights.

The day we arrived, I was able to meet my cousin and provide him with some interesting paperwork for his research into our family tree.

The first day, we were at The British Open, golf tournament, then on to Edinborough, St. Andrews, Inverness, Oban and Glasgow.  My son is a Scotch whisky drinker, so several distilleries were on the inteninerary,  castles, museums, general sights and sounds of each area and of course shopping and eating delicious food.   I had some lovely wines and gins.  Also, experienced haggis and loved it, so had two different ways of it being served.  Mussels, haddock, cod, kippers and smoked haddock,  all the fish I remember from my childhood.

The weather was not the best, however, we all were prepared for anything and everything mother nature threw at us, and she did making sure we experienced Scottish weather at its best or should say at it's worse.

Arrived home to some welcome sunshine and warmer temps.

Staying at my son's house tonight and D I L will drive us back to our house tomorrow,  she will then go on to a smaller city close by, to visit her new granddaughter who was born while we were away.   Seven g grands for me now, two gg sons and five gg daughters.

Some photos will be posted in due course.

Have a great day,



Today is the first day of Spring, but don't get your hopes up for Spring like weather just yet.  We are still in March, anything and  ev...