Friday, August 30, 2024

Autumn on the horizon

The days of August are all but finished, and it certainly feels as if summer is also coming to an end.  The cooler nights makes the day take more time to warm up.  Today, Friday we do have a lovely sunny day,  and even more in the coming days.  No more humidity to make the air heavy and feel uncomfortable.

This is a holiday weekend here, Labour day on Monday, then all the school children go back to school on Wednesday.   There was a report on the news last night, about shortening the summer holiday of July and August, to only one month.  It noted several reasons for this change, much too long to write here today.  Personally, I think it would be a great idea, however, there are others who may not agree.

For the past couple of days the weather has not been so hot and humid, so I have started walking again..  Yesterday, I did 2 1/2 kms in the evening, hoping to do the same today.  Those extra steps are certainly needed as for the past three months have not done too much to burn off those calories and it certainly shows up on the bathroom scales.  

This evening is happy hour in my apartment building, now that I am on the mend, I will attend and may even take a G and T with me.  Saturday, DD2 is taking me grocery shopping, and either Sunday or Monday may have a chance to visit my sister.  Then on Wednesday the quilting guild I belong to starts up the monthly meetings.  Then on Saturday, next weekend, I finally get my hair cut.  I look as if I have been dragged through the hedge backwards.

Have a great day


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Feeling as if I am alive

It has been a long, long haul for me this summer, however, I am finally feeling as if I am alive.  I have some energy.

Gradually exercising my neck and shoulders to make them strong again, so many muscles must have been immobile for so long, as even a different movement makes them scream a bit.   

Since I have been home not much housework has been done, not that I needed a lot,  but I like to keep on top of all the jobs on a regular basis.  On Tuesday, I decided it was bathroom clean day, top to bottom, cupboards and floor, needless to say, I might have over did it even though it took me most of the day.  I recovered and did some sewing yesterday.  I made the block required for out quilting guild as our meetings start up again next week.

On Monday, I took another Covid test and it was negative.  All through the time I had Covid, there was a terrible metal taste in my mouth, today, it is finally gone.  Now, if I could finally get rid of the occasional bouts of coughing,  all would be good in my world.  This coughing has improved considerably, so hope in a few more days it will be gone.

I keep telling myself, I am very fortunate to be here, getting better every day, even though there have been set backs during the past three months.  It is great to be alive.

Have a great day


Saturday, August 24, 2024

It's Off

After a visit to the Dr. on Wednesday last week I was able to remove this brace after having it on for over nine weeks.

Neck muscles need to function on their own after being immobile for all that time.

So needless to say I still have a sore neck, but it's getting better.

 Now all I need to do is get over Covid, where that came from I will never know.

I am so over the summer of 2024, just want to get back to some normal for me living.


Have a great day.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Off longer

 Starting yesterday, today, Friday and Saturday my neck brace is off for four hours morning and evening, then Sunday and Monday off for five hours twice a day.  A Dr. visit on Tuesday and hoping I will be able to take it off and not have to put it on again. This is being done so my neck muscles get to work holding my  head instead of  it being held by the brace.   No movement has been done for over nine weeks, so those muscles are hurting, even though I am not allowed to do anything while it is off.  No pain no gain, so I am doing as I am told.  

My eldest granddaughter N is coming for a walk with me today.   She and her husband are both on vacation from work and having a staycation to do some jobs around their house.  It will be nice to have an hour or so of exercise with someone as I usually go by myself.  I have a certain speed when I walk and a lot of the people here in the apartment building are slow walkers stopping every once in awhile for their dogs.  There are a lot of dogs here, big ones, small ones and some even ride in a stroller!!

Yesterday would have been a birthday for my Mother, I cannot believe how fast the time has gone since she passed away.   Time just goes by much too fast.

Today is a nice sunny day, it will be getting humid later this afternoon, tomorrow much of the same then rain for the weekend.  We seem to be having a lot of that this summer.  Keeps all of the lawns nice and green, usually at this time of the year they are brown and nearly dead.

Tomorrow there is a festival of music, crafts and food at a local park, one that I have walked to in the past, so if the weather is still cooperating which the forecast indicates, I will be taking my daily walk out there to see and hear some of the entertainers, food and crafts.

Have a great day,


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Hours twice a day

 As per the instructions from the Dr. yesterday I could start removing the neck brace for two hours morning and evening.   Today, will be the same, then as the days go by increase the hours until Aug 20th when I visit the hospital Dr again.

My neck has been immobile for eight weeks, being able to move it, even if it is only slightly, it is causing my muscles to shout out loud and clear even though I am not doing anything.  I know the pain will subside as the days go by, so do not complain.  That light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer.

We have sunshine again today, however, it is windy and somewhat cooler this morning, must be due to the humidity which has finally disappeared.  We are not rid of that yet as there is still some summer left.

This past week I have been out with two of the members of the quilting guild,  we visited a fabric shop and we all came through the door with a bag in our hand.  A lot of bright and colourful fabric, perfect for some people, however, not the kind I usually work with.    We then went for a delicious lunch and returned back home.

 DD2 took me to get some groceries, I will be happy to be able to get in my own car and come and go whenever I please.   I am an independent person and do not like to impose on so many people during these past couple of months.

Today, DD1 will be here so that I can have a shower without this brace so I will be able to give my neck a bit more of a wash.  In the afternoon going to a family BBQ.

Have a great day


The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, th...