Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Out of town

After a lovely weekend of a birthday party and a Mother's day tea, I am still on the move.

After being advised on Saturday, my new ride would be ready for pick up on May 15th.  A trip to the big city with son and DIL late on Sunday, now just waiting for tomorrow.

My old car has seen better days, it runs well for it's age, however, now I drive on my own, I wanted a vehicle I could rely on to get me there and back again.  So, a new car was ordered and then had to wait a considerable long time for it to be made and shipped to the dealership.

Not having purchased a car for a good many years, and being an old woman did not want to be taken advantage of.  Not saying I would be but, it did happened to me during a repair job on my car years ago.  My son has helped with this purchase, so feeling a lot better about the whole process.

We had a brief thunder storm and rain last evening, and it is dull grey today with rain threatening for most of the day according to the weather forecast, only consolation it is not cold.

Hoping it clears up somewhat for my trip home tomorrow.  Not a fan of driving on the very busy road I need to go on, plus there is a lot of construction on it too.   It is now construction season in Ontario.

Have a great day.



Saturday, May 11, 2024


Monday, not much happened, it was a lovely day, so had a nice walk to the local park and back again.  In the evening I went to trivia night upstairs. Our team won, with not much help from me, I might add.  Those questions makes one feel that you do not know as much as you thought you did.  

Tuesday, another lovely day, so could not resist another walk to the park, the ornamental trees are looking beautiful, so had to take a photo of these.   I am sure you will agree they are a lovely sight to behold. 

Wednesday, had to go and take another look at the park, it was a beautiful sunny day, albeit very breezy.

Thursday, did a small shop to pick up some odds and ends of fresh fruit, veg and milk.   Also, cleaned out the inside of my car and looked for a birthday gift for a GGD, what do you get for a child that has more than she really needs?   So not being very successful with any ideas that were given to me, I have settled on money, I know its not very original idea, however, she can use it to get whatever she wants or it can be put in her savings account to further her education when that time comes. 

Friday,  a mixture of weather, clouds, sun and a few brief showers.   Spent, some time at the happy hour upstairs.  There are always snacks people bring in, I tried to resist, but must admit those chocolate covered cashews were delicious.  Chocolate is good for you, right? and I am sure I have read somewhere, the nuts are too.! 

So, here we are again Saturday, the start of the weekend.  This afternoon I go to the birthday party for A, she is five going on fifteen, that's why I had so much trouble trying to choose a gift for her.   My son and D I L will also be there, and I am hoping my son has more information regarding the arrival of my new car.

Tomorrow, Sunday, is Mother's Day here, and my two daughters, E and B are taking me out for the afternoon and then visiting a small local village for "high tea".  Looking forward to that.

Another busy week, and by the looks of my calendar next week will be the much the same.

Have a great day.


Monday, May 06, 2024


Many years ago, in the area where I live, there battles were fought between, the English and the French, English and U. S, Native people against all of those previously noted, plus others, I am sure I have not mentioned.   Where these battles were fought plaques and cairns have been erected by the side of the road which either give directions to visit certain places off the beaten track, or note the exact spots where these conflicts took place.  The plaques provide information as to the, who, what, where when and why information.  

I am mentioning this as the country side is dotted with a lot of these information sites, and during a ride yesterday with my ex, we duly noted some of those we have visited or stopped at previously.  However, as we made a turn in the road, I saw there was a new one.  Not the kind made of brass or stone as the others were but, with modern elements, of steel and plastic, held in place by cement blocks.  

Written on the black background, large red letters showed this.


ON APRIL 17 th, 1889,


Who ever put it there must have had a good sense of humor, as I certainly did have a good chuckle as we drove past.  I should have taken a picture, but my phone has too many of this kind a photo, so decided not too.  

Have a great day.



Saturday, May 04, 2024

I can't believe

Where did that time go!   I cannot believe it has been so long since I last posted.   Life gets in the way, and time just flies by.

During my absence a huge transformation has taken place, the trees that were only bare branches are now full of green leaves, the varieties which are a little later to show their leaves are still quite bare.  The magnolias have been beautiful,  some heavy rain and wind dashed the blooms a few days ago, some of the later bloomers avoided that weather and I now looking quite lovely.  Red bud and ornamental flowering trees are now putting forth a great show of colour.  Lilacs are just starting to open up their flowers, saw some of the very dark purple ones yesterday, I am sure the perfume from them will soon be in the air.

Inside, my cactus which I though was a Christmas cactus, which is now confirmed to be an Easter cactus has been blooming for the past two weeks, the first time it has had this many blooms in all of the years I have had it.  It appears to love this new home as much as I do.  My youngest daughter brought my April flowers on Thursday.  A little late, however, she and her husband have been very busy finding a new car for their youngest daughter, who is living and going to college a three hour drive away, so their weekends have been very busy.  

Doing all of the social activities I normally do, lunches with friends, happy hour, pot luck dinner, quilting meetings and trunk shows and a studio art tour.  Loved the art tour, artist's which use different mediums to make their pieces open up their studios for people to see their process and also some of their work.  I visited about eight of them during a day last month, painters, potters and clay artists the ones I was most interested in was, of course, the artists using fabric.  There were three on this tour, many questions were directed their way, so now going to use some of their "tricks of the trade" to apply to some new pieces I plan on doing.   

During the past ten days I had three great grand children celebrate birthdays, all of them in one family, so grandma is having a BBQ birthday party for all of them today and that is where you will find me this afternoon.  Next weekend is another GG's birthday, so going to my grandson's for that party.  

I have been waiting for my new car to be manufactured and to arrive at the dealership, it should be in my hands in the very near future.   Getting excited too, for my up coming vacation next month.  There is no grass growing under my feet, as the saying goes.

Our weather is typical April early May weather, shorts and T-shirt sunny and warm for a couple of days, then in the blink of an eye it is wet and cool and digging out the long pants and sweaters.  The evenings are getting longer which I really like, time to sit outside and enjoy the evening and watch the sunsets.

As I am sure, you my readers know I make quilts and am now doing some collage pieces, this is a cushion I made recently.   I have others which I will show in due course.

So with that I will finish my laundry.

Have a great day.


Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...