Friday, July 07, 2023

Breathable air

The area had a good rain yesterday, total was over 1 1/2 inches, it has cleared the air of all the humidity and it is cooler which makes it pleasant  to be outside which is a big improvement from the past few days.  I am sure we are not done with the hot, humid conditions yet, as we have a lot of Summer left.

What am I up to today, need a little trim for my hair, if I wait until the first week of August I when I return from vacation, I will look and feel like a shaggy dog, hate that feeling, time to do something about today.

Also need to take a few more photo copies of some documents for my cousin in the UK.  Need to pick up some picture hanging wire, as I am giving a great grandson a fabric picture of the solar system I made in our guilds challenge a couple of years ago.  He is interested in the stars etc. so he should like it.

Earlier this week Hubby needed to get a new phone as his quit working, went to a store to replace it, the young man who helped us went over and above what he is supposed to do.  Told us he has just got married after living with his girlfriend for three years, got out his phone and showed us his wedding photo, you could tell in his eyes and smile how much he loved this young woman.  They recently found out they were expecting a child.  I left that store feeling as if the world would be a much better place it more young people were like him.  He made such a big impression on me, when I returned home I had the urge to do "a random act of kindness"   

I have had a couple of quilts, one being a baby quilt,  all finished that were going to the nursing home my Mother was in, however, for some reason this year, they did not want them for their raffle, I suspect due to Covid fears.  So they have been sitting there waiting to be given to someone.  I found that someone, took it to the store and gave it to the young man, he was delighted.  All I asked was that he "pay it forward" by doing another random act of kindness to someone else. That day I felt really good, it has been a long time since I felt that  way. 

So decided to do it again.  The other quilt, is going to DD1's sister- in - law.   She is battling cancer, with surgery scheduled for next week.  Her siblings are having an early birthday BBQ for her on Sunday.  I have met her several times, she has had a rough time due to various family issues. Giving the quilt to DD1 tomorrow to give it to the B day girl on Sunday, included is a little card.  Feeling great again.  May have to do a little more often.

Have you ever done a random act of kindness?  I recommend it.   Nothing too small may just make someone's day.   

Have a great day.



  1. I like the idea of "paying it forward". It can be very infectious. The only thing I can think of is I often let the person behind me in the store go ahead if they only have a few items. People often do that to me too!


Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back t...