Sunday, July 28, 2024


My youngest great granddaughter M was one year old yesterday,  and an outside family party was held to celebrate.  

The weather was perfect for a swim in the pool, unfortunately not for me though, but everyone else had a great time, even the birthday girl in her umbrella covered floaty.  

BBQ and salad was our late lunch, all served on the theme of the day, watermelon designed plates, cups and napkins.   A birthday cake designed to resemble a watermelon  and a mixed fruit salad for dessert.

To keep everyone hydrated throughout the afternoon slices of watermelon were always available along with a can of sparkling water with a watermelon flavour.

Watermelon is not one of my favorite fruits, I did however, have some as it was icy cold and went down nicely to cool me down.

I also stayed for a later dinner of pizza and a mixed salad, which was very nice.   Then it was almost time for the little ones to get ready for bed, so I said my goodnights and my son brought me home.

I had a lovely day, as I do not get to see all the people I saw as they are all so busy working and my son and DIL live a 2 hour drive away.  

A good time was had by all.

Have a great day.


Thursday, July 25, 2024


 I was hoping my appointment today, would result in the neck brace to be removed.   Another appointment with the specialist on August 20th will determine if it can be removed at that time.

Still waiting for a CAT scan which is scheduled for sometime in September and an appointment with an ENT Dr. when is yet unknown.

After I was all finished at the hospital I took both of my daughters out for lunch.

Lovely sunny day today.


Have a great day.

Monday, July 15, 2024


 Glad to say I have a bit more energy, however,  because of the fracture in my neck the brace I have to wear 24/7 won't allow me to do much of anything.

Hoping my CAT scans at the end of the month shows sufficient improvement and the neck brace can be removed.

Having to rely on my family and friends to do things for me, makes me feel so useless, however, at this point in time I do not have any choice in the matter.

Several heavy thunders storms have rolled through the area this morning, looking at the weather network it shows that more could come through later today.


Have a great day.

Friday, July 05, 2024


 I went on my vacation. however did not have one.

Flew to Sweden, had an accident four hours into a tour and that was the end of holiday.

Spent 2 1/5 weeks in a Stockholm hospital, discharged when one of my daughters came to accompany me home.

Going to be a few weeks of recovery but expect to be as good as new eventually.

I am doing okay, when you are in your later years it does take a little bit longer to get back to the norm.

Just so glad I am home among family and familiar faces, being 7000 miles or more from home, alone in a foreign country is not a pleasant.


have a great day.


Colours and Lee

Autumn this year is certainly providing a beautiful display of colours.    The trees are finally starting to change into the reds, oranges a...