During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather. Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back to cold and snow again. With all those changes in the temps a lot of the snow we had melted and hopefully not making room for more to come.
This morning as I write at 9:00 a.m. it is cold -7*C windy with sunshine. My living room window faces west, so hope the sun decides to stay around until later in the day, me and my plants would appreciate it. In a couple of months when the weather warms up several plants will be out on the balcony. The poinsettia I received at Christmas is still doing well, so will not get rid of it until it dies off.
This past week as not been as busy as previous weeks have been which is just fine. Yoga, Mon, Wed, and Fri. I feel so much better after doing that even if it is only "chair Yoga". On Tuesday, I went for a walk as it was such a nice warmish sunny day. Doing some sewing most days to get the quilt for my yet to be born GGD, it will be going on the quilting machine next week. Last night was the regular monthly pot luck dinner upstairs.
Grocery shopping these days seems to take a lot longer than it use too, not just for me, but a good number of Canadians. We all are looking for products that are not made by our neighbour. The grocery stores are a big help as red maple leaves signs are popping up on the shelves to help shoppers identify "made in Canada" products. I was successful with all the things I needed to stock up my fridge and cupboard. At this time of the year we rely of the southern hemisphere for most of our fresh fruit and veg. There are several greenhouses in the area that grow tomatoes, cucumbers and some lettuce. It will some time yet before we can have fresh produce harvested here. The first will be asparagus in May.
Have a great day.
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