Sunday, February 09, 2025

It's not over yet and the week in review

This past week has been a busy one.

Tuesday was a visit to my family physician,  Dr. S is a lovely young woman, I say lovely, however, I have never seen her face due to her wearing a mask.  I still have issues from my accident that I wanted her to check as referrals have been sent to two specialists  however, they were both declined, a third referral is now waiting for an answer, which from all accounts will also be declined.  Just waiting for an appointment could be 18 months from now, but I heard that six months ago.   So I needed her to check just to make sure I was OK,  which she did and also gave me a check up, blood work etc. and indicated I am doing just fine.

Wednesday was a sewing and meeting day with the quilting guild.  One of our members donated some fabric which was made into bundles for this sewing day.  Members sewed most of the morning making quilts for organizations helping those in need.   For our lunch, J a member of the group made a delicious soup, cheese scones from B, and sweet treats from others.  Then we had our regular meeting.  I also had a short visit from DD1 in the evening.  

Thursday was a day of "not doing too much day".  The drive to the Dr. is a long one for me, there is no other Drs. close to me who are accepting new patients, so I kept the one I had, which is almost an hours drive away.  Weather conditions, traffic and construction were all good, so it was a good trip there and back.  The sewing day, started at 9:00 am so needed to get up earlier, set the alarm for 6:30 am, I was awake at 5:00 am with no going back for a few more Zzzzz's.   So this day, Thursday was a catchup day and did not do enough to write about.  

Friday, yoga, I am liking this chair yoga for seniors, my muscles, not so much.  I didn't realize how lazy I have been, so some movements are making those muscles work, going to be fit as a fiddle, so they say.  Got some groceries and then happy hour in the evening.   This day we had a full day of sunshine, something we have not seen for a long time.  My days seem to be so much better seeing the ball of fire in the sky.  My windows face west, so I have a full afternoon to enjoy it coming in the apartment.   Oh!!   the dust, shows up when the sun is shining. 

Saturday, laundry and a deep cleaning to get rid of the dust, now all spic and span, and ready for another day of sunshine.

Today, Sunday.  We had a fall of snow overnight, so everything is white again, winter is not over yet.  We have a cloudy day forecast with cold temps.  The days are getting a minute or two longer which is making the evenings shorter.  DD2 has invited me for dinner this evening, she is cooking lamb, looking forward to that.

Have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. A busy week for sure but you seem to manage being on the go. Yum to the lamb dinner. I love lamb but only have it when the family come over. They will be here for a leg of lamb at Easter.


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