In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me. However, that changed yesterday and overnight when we had light snow falling for most of the time. This morning, Sunday, is a different story. Heavy snow is falling as I write and if the forecast is right, it will continue for most of the day. Again, we are not expected to receive as much snow as some places. Just glad I have no reason to go out.
This past week has been quieter that some I have recently had, but that is okay.
Monday, went to the yoga class in the morning, coffee, chat and craft in the afternoon and also did some sewing.
Tuesday, a very slow day of not doing too much, however, did do some sewing and reading.
Wednesday, yoga class in the morning and was planning to go out, however, the freezing rain and light snow put an end to that plan.
Thursday, a neighbour came for a visit as she wanted to know if I would fix a sweater for her, of course I said yes, it was going to be a quick fix. This day was the birthday of my only grandson.
Friday, yoga class in the morning. It was a cold day, but the sun was shining. The forecast predicted the snow that we are currently having, so decided to get my groceries, make an appointment at the office to have my eyes tested, as they did not answer my phone calls. The evening was happy hour upstairs. Everyone must be hunkering down, as there were more people there compared to some evenings in the past.
Saturday, as predicted and mentioned previously it was a snowy day, so no going out for me. Fixed the sweater, also repaired a cushion from the lounge upstairs, and made the March wall hanging for my door. I already had one for March, which I made last year, however, it had a rabbit and Easter eggs on it, not suitable for this year, so the one for this year has a St. Patrick theme.
Today, Sunday will be an indoor day, I have a couple of books I need to read as my DIL loaned them to me and I would like to give them back when I see her next month. Also, need to start my next great grand daughters quilt, she will be arriving in May.
Tomorrow, is Family Day here, so almost everything will be closed. It will be a great day for some families who love snow activities.
Keep warm.
Have a great day
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