Thursday, March 20, 2025


Today is the first day of Spring, but don't get your hopes up for Spring like weather just yet.  We are still in March, anything and  everything can be expected.  Such was the case this week.   Sun, rain, wind, balmy temps and down right cold ones. Yesterday, was a beautiful day, a record breaking high temp of 20*C, this morning quite chilly and snow flakes might be seen later today.

On Sunday, I joined some family members for dinner to celebrate my eldest great grand son's 15th birthday, how did he get that old.  He is such a nice young man, over six feet  tall and handsome.

For the past few days I have been suffering from a cold,  it is the season for them.  There is also a frightening number of people, mostly children who have measels.  Many families who do not believe in vaccinations, for various reasons, are those who are spreading the disease 

One of our big department stores that has been around for decades is now bankrupt, (a sign of the times) and has started to have a sale of merchandise.  I am looking for a particular piece of clothing for my up coming vacation, so off I went.   To my surprise there were very few people looking for the bargains and even less carrying a purchase, but I went ahead and starting looking.   A sale? not in my books it wasn't.  On the price tags there was a sticker, listing the original price and also the sale price.  Um! makes me think, what was the original price.   Just saying,   I left empty handed.

It was such a beautiful day, too nice to go back home, so decided to take a visit to the lake.  There was no ice in sight, and gentle waves were coming on to the shore.  Even a few people had their chairs out on the sand and enjoying the sunshine.  

I was looking for some small pieces of drift wood for a craft that I am planning to do, and was able to find several pieces that will be perfect for the project.  It was getting close to dinner time, however, not many restaurants for open, just a bit too early yet, so I headed home.  

Today, those clouds are looking as if they are full of something, so it is an indoor day for laundry and some sewing.   This evening, I am going to Brushes and Bubbles.  It is an evening of learning how to paint, the artist is supplying all of the necessary items and also giving instructions to complete the picture he has planned.  The bubbles are glasses of wine.  Makes me wonder what these paintings are going to look like when finished.  Sounds like a fun evening.

Tomorrow I will be visiting a friend who I have known for a long time, she is ill, so a nice bouquet of flowers will be given to her.  The evening is happy hour and that finishes off the week again.  I don't know where the time goes these days.

Have a great day



Monday, March 10, 2025

They are coming out of hibernation

 People, yes people are out and about.   It's not Spring yet, but the three sunny days we have just had are certainly making a spring in peoples steps.  No snow, ice or bitter winds to keep them indoors.  There is still a little nip in the air when the breeze picks up but, not enough to make me stay in.

The window in my bedroom has been open all day to bring in some of that fresh air.

On the weekend we put our clocks ahead one hour, so now on Day Light Saving time.  That hour puts my inner clock all out of whack.  Did not wake until my bedside clock said 8:00 a.m. my body was saying 7:00 a.m. 

Yesterday, I went looking for the Tundra Swans, there has been several reports of some settling in the fields that grew corn last year and have water in low lying areas.  I did see quite a few, however, they were much too far away for my camera to take a decent photo of them.  The wild life sanctuary ponds still had ice on them, so there were not any there.  These swans are coming up from their Wintering grounds on the Chesapeake Bay,  and heading up north to the area where they hatch a new generation of swans.  My passenger on this trip, then took me out for dinner, a glass of Pinot Grigio and a seafood platter at The Red Lobster.   It was delicious.

Today, Monday  I did my Yoga lesson, attended the coffee, craft and chat gathering and then could not stay inside anymore so went for an hour and half walk.  As I mentioned previously the breeze still has that nip, so certainly felt that walking into the wind, however, coming back I actually had to undo my jacket as the sun was warming my back. 

As I write there is a cup of tea beside me, and I am also looking out the balcony door at the perfectly blue sky.  Not a cloud in sight and my thermometer is showing it is 14*C.  

March can be a fickle month, so we cannot rule out some nasty stuff  yet.  March did come in like a lion, and as the saying goes, it should go out like a lamb.   I hope that is the way it will be until then I will enjoy the days we are currently experiencing.

Have a great day.


Saturday, March 01, 2025

Some of it is gone

During the last week of February, we had a mixture of weather.   Cold with snow, a little warmer with rain, some welcome sunshine and back to cold and snow again.   With all those changes in the temps a lot of the snow we had melted and hopefully not making room for more to come.  

This morning as I write at 9:00 a.m. it is cold -7*C windy with sunshine.  My living room window faces west, so hope the sun decides to stay around until later in the day, me and my plants would appreciate it.   In a couple of months when the weather warms up several plants will be out on the balcony.  The poinsettia I received at Christmas is still doing well, so will not get rid of it until it dies off. 

This past week as not been as busy as previous weeks have been which is just fine.   Yoga, Mon, Wed, and Fri. I feel so much better after doing that even if it is only "chair Yoga".   On Tuesday, I went for a walk as it was such a nice warmish sunny day.   Doing some sewing most days to get the quilt for my yet to be born GGD, it will be going on the quilting machine next week.  Last night was the regular monthly pot luck dinner upstairs.

Grocery shopping these days seems to take a lot longer than it use too, not just for me, but a good number of Canadians.   We all are looking for products that are not made by our neighbour.    The grocery stores are a big help as red maple leaves signs are popping up on the shelves to help shoppers identify  "made in Canada" products.   I was successful with all the things I needed to stock up my fridge and cupboard.  At this time of the year we rely of the southern hemisphere for most of our fresh fruit and veg.   There are several greenhouses in the area that grow tomatoes, cucumbers and some lettuce.   It will some time yet before we can have fresh produce harvested here.  The first will be asparagus in May.

Have a great day.


Sunday, February 16, 2025

The world of white

In the city where I live we have been fortunate to receive only light dustings of snow, compared to places further north of me.  However, that  changed yesterday and overnight when we had light snow falling for most of the time.  This morning, Sunday, is a different story.   Heavy snow is falling as I write and if the forecast is right, it will continue for most of the day.   Again, we are not expected to receive as much snow as some places.  Just glad I have no reason to go out.

This past week has been quieter that some I have recently had, but that is okay.  

Monday, went to the yoga class in the morning, coffee, chat and craft in the afternoon and also did some sewing.

Tuesday,  a very slow day of not doing too much, however, did do some sewing and reading.

Wednesday, yoga class in the morning and was planning to go out, however, the freezing rain and light snow put an end to that plan.

Thursday, a neighbour came for a visit as she wanted to know if I would fix a sweater for her, of course I said yes, it was going to be a quick fix.  This day was the birthday of my only grandson.

Friday, yoga class in the morning.   It was a cold day, but the sun was shining.  The forecast predicted the snow that we are currently having, so decided to get my groceries, make an appointment  at the office to have my eyes tested, as they did not answer my phone calls.  The evening was happy hour upstairs.  Everyone must be hunkering down, as there were more people there compared to some evenings in the past.

Saturday, as predicted and mentioned previously it was a snowy day, so no going out for me.  Fixed the sweater, also repaired a cushion from the lounge upstairs, and made the March wall hanging for my door.  I already had one for March, which I made last year, however, it had a rabbit and Easter eggs on it, not suitable for this year, so the one for this year has a St. Patrick theme.  

Today, Sunday will be an indoor day,  I have a couple of books I need to read as my DIL loaned them to me and I would like to give them back when I see her next month.  Also, need to start my next great grand daughters quilt, she will be arriving in May.

Tomorrow, is Family Day here, so almost everything will be closed.  It will be a great day for some families who love snow activities.

Keep warm.

Have a great day


Have a 

Sunday, February 09, 2025

It's not over yet and the week in review

This past week has been a busy one.

Tuesday was a visit to my family physician,  Dr. S is a lovely young woman, I say lovely, however, I have never seen her face due to her wearing a mask.  I still have issues from my accident that I wanted her to check as referrals have been sent to two specialists  however, they were both declined, a third referral is now waiting for an answer, which from all accounts will also be declined.  Just waiting for an appointment could be 18 months from now, but I heard that six months ago.   So I needed her to check just to make sure I was OK,  which she did and also gave me a check up, blood work etc. and indicated I am doing just fine.

Wednesday was a sewing and meeting day with the quilting guild.  One of our members donated some fabric which was made into bundles for this sewing day.  Members sewed most of the morning making quilts for organizations helping those in need.   For our lunch, J a member of the group made a delicious soup, cheese scones from B, and sweet treats from others.  Then we had our regular meeting.  I also had a short visit from DD1 in the evening.  

Thursday was a day of "not doing too much day".  The drive to the Dr. is a long one for me, there is no other Drs. close to me who are accepting new patients, so I kept the one I had, which is almost an hours drive away.  Weather conditions, traffic and construction were all good, so it was a good trip there and back.  The sewing day, started at 9:00 am so needed to get up earlier, set the alarm for 6:30 am, I was awake at 5:00 am with no going back for a few more Zzzzz's.   So this day, Thursday was a catchup day and did not do enough to write about.  

Friday, yoga, I am liking this chair yoga for seniors, my muscles, not so much.  I didn't realize how lazy I have been, so some movements are making those muscles work, going to be fit as a fiddle, so they say.  Got some groceries and then happy hour in the evening.   This day we had a full day of sunshine, something we have not seen for a long time.  My days seem to be so much better seeing the ball of fire in the sky.  My windows face west, so I have a full afternoon to enjoy it coming in the apartment.   Oh!!   the dust, shows up when the sun is shining. 

Saturday, laundry and a deep cleaning to get rid of the dust, now all spic and span, and ready for another day of sunshine.

Today, Sunday.  We had a fall of snow overnight, so everything is white again, winter is not over yet.  We have a cloudy day forecast with cold temps.  The days are getting a minute or two longer which is making the evenings shorter.  DD2 has invited me for dinner this evening, she is cooking lamb, looking forward to that.

Have a great day.


Sunday, February 02, 2025

Groundhog Day

Every February 2nd. here in Canada we have groundhog day.   A groundhog is a medium sized rodent about the size of a fat cat, with a short tail and ears, strong jaws and two layers of fur.  It lives underground in a burrow, only coming out for grasses and other green plants.   It is also know as a woodchuck.  Legend has it, if this creature awakes from hibernation today, and it is sunny and he sees his shadow, we will have six more weeks of wintery weather, however, if it cloudy and he does not see his shadow Spring will come early.    As we have a cloudy day, an early spring is forecast by  Wiarton Willie, YES each community taking part in the groundhog day festivities name their  groundhog.  I don't have much faith in this fellow, winter will end when it is ready.

Friday we had rain, which melted a good amount of snow, not that we have a lot here, yesterday a beautiful sunny day, but just wished it was warmer.   Today, grey skies again and a forecast of snow to replace all that we lost of Friday.  It's winter, so not much more can be expected.  The only consolation,  the day light  is getting to be a few minutes longer.

A baby shower has been planned for the end of March for my granddaughter C and partner S.  They are expecting a girl, and the nursery is going to be a nighttime decor with blue sky, stars and the moon on  the walls.  I  am planning on making a quilt with a star theme and looking for the fabric this coming week.  

Three Christmases ago I was given a amaryllis bulb to grow, it bloomed and then was planted in the garden, the same thing the next year, and again in 2024,  today, three beautiful flowers are out.  Along with the poinsettia I received for Christmas 2024, my living room is filled with beautiful red flowers, which I hope will last for a few more weeks.

 The only thing I really miss living where I am now is a garden full of flowers, to get my "flower fix" I make a regular trip to a garden nursery, not to buy anything but look and drool over the flowers blooming there.  Could be a trip for today,

Have a great day.




Monday, January 27, 2025

A new week

Monday, and the start of the final week of January, where did all those days go.   

Usually I find January to be dragging on very slow,  even with the grey skies, bitter cold temps and early evenings, it has gone by faster than I can remember.    Maybe, the positive frame of mind helped.   Doing things that I want to do, when I want to do them.  Doing some ME time.

Yesterday, was a beautiful sunny day, cold with a brisk wind and the sky this morning is even a brighter blue than yesterday, again the wind is blowing.  Forecast for later this week is temps above the average, with possible snow/rain mix.  

 Yoga this morning, crafty/chat this afternoon, both here in the activity room upstairs, after that I will be in my sewing room to work on the peacock piece I am doing and also getting the fabric prepared for the block required at our February meeting.  There is always some dusting etc. to be done, so another busy day ahead.

Have a great day



Today is the first day of Spring, but don't get your hopes up for Spring like weather just yet.  We are still in March, anything and  ev...