Today is the first day of Spring, but don't get your hopes up for Spring like weather just yet. We are still in March, anything and everything can be expected. Such was the case this week. Sun, rain, wind, balmy temps and down right cold ones. Yesterday, was a beautiful day, a record breaking high temp of 20*C, this morning quite chilly and snow flakes might be seen later today.
On Sunday, I joined some family members for dinner to celebrate my eldest great grand son's 15th birthday, how did he get that old. He is such a nice young man, over six feet tall and handsome.
For the past few days I have been suffering from a cold, it is the season for them. There is also a frightening number of people, mostly children who have measels. Many families who do not believe in vaccinations, for various reasons, are those who are spreading the disease
One of our big department stores that has been around for decades is now bankrupt, (a sign of the times) and has started to have a sale of merchandise. I am looking for a particular piece of clothing for my up coming vacation, so off I went. To my surprise there were very few people looking for the bargains and even less carrying a purchase, but I went ahead and starting looking. A sale? not in my books it wasn't. On the price tags there was a sticker, listing the original price and also the sale price. Um! makes me think, what was the original price. Just saying, I left empty handed.
It was such a beautiful day, too nice to go back home, so decided to take a visit to the lake. There was no ice in sight, and gentle waves were coming on to the shore. Even a few people had their chairs out on the sand and enjoying the sunshine.
I was looking for some small pieces of drift wood for a craft that I am planning to do, and was able to find several pieces that will be perfect for the project. It was getting close to dinner time, however, not many restaurants for open, just a bit too early yet, so I headed home.
Today, those clouds are looking as if they are full of something, so it is an indoor day for laundry and some sewing. This evening, I am going to Brushes and Bubbles. It is an evening of learning how to paint, the artist is supplying all of the necessary items and also giving instructions to complete the picture he has planned. The bubbles are glasses of wine. Makes me wonder what these paintings are going to look like when finished. Sounds like a fun evening.
Tomorrow I will be visiting a friend who I have known for a long time, she is ill, so a nice bouquet of flowers will be given to her. The evening is happy hour and that finishes off the week again. I don't know where the time goes these days.
Have a great day